Monday, January 19, 2009

Young 'pirates' receive millions from the state

The youth league of the Swedish branch of file-share and copyright reform advocacy group, the Pirate Party, has received millions of kronor in state support.

With 4,800 members, Ung Pirat (Young Pirates) claims to be Sweden's third largest youth organisation.

"It is truly gratifying and shows what we are achieving with our politics," said Ung Pirat chairperson Stefan Flod in a press release.

"It is surprising. Ung Pirat works in principle to encourage something illegal. That they then receive money from a state institution is remarkable," said Lars Gustafsson, CEO of record company sector organisation IFPI to

Ung Pirat has been awarded 1.3 million kronor ($159,000) by the National Board for Youth Affairs (Ungdomstyrelsen), a government agency. The sum has been calculated based on an official member estimation of 1,284 members.

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