Wednesday, September 5, 2012

50 years too late... thalidomide drug maker issues an 'apology' to victims

Remember thalidomide, developed for morning sickness and prescribed to pregnant women in the 1950s and 1960s? The aftermath of this Big Pharma fiasco left around 10,000 reported babies born with malformed limbs and missing arms or legs. Victims of thalidomide defects said that a recent apology from the German inventor of the drug is too little, too late. After repeatedly reminding this errant company of its criminal behavior at the negotiating table, British thalidomide victim Geoff Adams-Spink is not satisfied with this apology.

But Adams Spink, head of the European Dysmelia Reference Information Centre, says: "This is an important first step. The next is to compensate everyone damaged by their so-called 'totally harmless' drug." At a ceremony in the western German city of Stolberg, where the company is based, Chief executive, Harald Stock said: "In the name of Gruenenthal ... I want to take this opportunity to express our deep regret over the consequences of Contergan and our deep sympathy for the victims, their mothers and families."...

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