part 1
click on the video the find the other parts
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Truman Show Syndrome delusion: Sufferers convinced they are on reality TV
The self-exposure, instant fame culture peddled by reality shows, social networking internet sites such as Facebook and – above all – the home video-sharing website YouTube has provided a "perfect storm" for vulnerable people, encouraging them to put their fantasies on a global stage, say researchers.
Joel and Ian Gold, a New York psychiatrist and Montreal academic, say they have been inundated with cases since they first expounded what they have dubbed the "Truman Syndrome" two years ago.
The title refers to the 1998 film starring Jim Carey in which the main character gradually realises his humdrum life is being filmed as a reality television show and that everyone he knows is merely acting.
The condition might seem comical - one man went to a US government building and announced he wanted his show to end - but it tended to be "absolutely debilitating" as sufferers believed they could trust no-one, said Dr Joel Gold, head of psychiatry at Bellevue Hospital in New York.
Joel and Ian Gold, a New York psychiatrist and Montreal academic, say they have been inundated with cases since they first expounded what they have dubbed the "Truman Syndrome" two years ago.
The title refers to the 1998 film starring Jim Carey in which the main character gradually realises his humdrum life is being filmed as a reality television show and that everyone he knows is merely acting.
The condition might seem comical - one man went to a US government building and announced he wanted his show to end - but it tended to be "absolutely debilitating" as sufferers believed they could trust no-one, said Dr Joel Gold, head of psychiatry at Bellevue Hospital in New York.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Protesting the government
Protesters in Thailand's capital of Bangkok take to the streets protesting the government, firing shots and pulling knives on people. Demonstrators also occupy the international airport, closing it...
Take wisdom out of mouths of the insane.
I dont want to take my time going to work
I got a motorcycle and a sleapingbag
The Best Speech Ever:
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Indonesian province plans microchip implants for AIDS patients
Legislators in Indonesia's remote province of Papua have thrown their support behind a controversial bill requiring some HIV/AIDS patients to be implanted with microchips — part of extreme efforts to monitor the disease.
Health workers and rights activists sharply criticized the plan Monday.
Health workers and rights activists sharply criticized the plan Monday.
Artificial food additives affect children’s behavior

Years of research finally supports what many parents already knew: Junk foods – loaded with artificial food dyes and preservatives – cause behavioral problems in children.
Research from a study of 297 children published in The Lancet found a significant number of children became more inattentive, impulsive and hyperactive when given a test drink with artificial additives.
Alien-like Squid With "Elbows" Filmed at Drilling Site
A mile and a half (two and a half kilometers) underwater, a remote control submersible's camera has captured an eerie surprise: an alien-like, long-armed, and—strangest of all—"elbowed" Magnapinna squid.


Special Forces Get Stealth Robocopter

This month, U.S. Special Forces Command is quietly taking delivery of a radical new drone: the Boeing A160T Hummingbird, which rewrites the rules for helicopters. Thanks to a remarkable piece of design, the Hummingbird can go further, longer, higher – and quieter – than anything else around.
According to Jane's, 10 Hummingbirds are supposed to be delivered this month, under a joint SOCOM-DARPA program known as the Special Operations Long Endurance Demonstration (SLED).
"The Hummingbird is designed to fly 2,500 nautical miles with endurance in excess of 24 hours and a payload of more than 300 pounds. The autonomously-flown A160 is 35 feet long with a 36-foot rotor diameter," according to Hummingbird-maker Boeing's rather brief entry on the craft. "It will fly at an estimated top speed of 140 knots at ceilings up to 30,000 feet, which is about 10,000 feet higher than conventional helicopters can fly today.
Sorry - Dutch!
Gebruik makend van de gelegenheid van de 45ste verjaardag van de aanslag op president John F. Kennedy, waarschuwde Larouche dat het grootste gevaar van een moordaanslag op de gekozen president voor de geplande inhuldiging op 20 januari 2009 zou zijn terwijl George W. Bush nog steeds de president is en terwijl Dick Cheney nog steeds in zijn functie is als Vice-president.
Social services 'set up CCTV camera in couple's bedroom'
Council staff are said to have spied on the young parents at night as part of a plan to see if they were fit to look after their baby, who was sleeping in another room.
The mother and father were forced to cite the Human Rights Act, which protects the right to a private life, before the social services team backed down and agreed to switch off the surveillance camera while they were in bed together.
The case is highlighted in a new dossier of human rights abuses carried out against vulnerable and elderly adults in nursing homes and hospitals across Britain.
It comes just days after the Government admitted town halls have gone too far in using anti-terror laws to snoop on members of the public.
The mother and father were forced to cite the Human Rights Act, which protects the right to a private life, before the social services team backed down and agreed to switch off the surveillance camera while they were in bed together.
The case is highlighted in a new dossier of human rights abuses carried out against vulnerable and elderly adults in nursing homes and hospitals across Britain.
It comes just days after the Government admitted town halls have gone too far in using anti-terror laws to snoop on members of the public.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Rat Poison Chemical Found in Ingredient List For HPV Vaccine
What do rat poison and the HPV vaccine have in common? The answer is a hazardous chemical known as sodium borate. Savvy readers may wonder what a toxin that is commonly used to kill rats is doing in the ingredient list for the HPV vaccine that is currently being pushed on girls as young as nine and is even being considered for men and boys. Unfortunately, the answer isn't very comforting, especially for new U.S. residents for whom the HPV injection containing sodium borate is now mandated.
Former police chief kills himself on TV
A former police chief in Argentina, wanted for alleged crimes against human rights, has shot himself dead in front of television cameras.
Mario Ferreyra was giving an interview on top of a water tank at his home in the northern province of Tucuman.
Police were coming to arrest him when he killed himself.
Mr Ferreyra was wearing his customary black shirt and cowboy hat and told the interviewer that he was innocent and had not committed any crimes.
He then told his wife, Maria, that he would love her forever, pulled a pistol from his boot and shot himself behind the ear.
Mario Ferreyra was giving an interview on top of a water tank at his home in the northern province of Tucuman.
Police were coming to arrest him when he killed himself.
Mr Ferreyra was wearing his customary black shirt and cowboy hat and told the interviewer that he was innocent and had not committed any crimes.
He then told his wife, Maria, that he would love her forever, pulled a pistol from his boot and shot himself behind the ear.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tiny Radio Tags Offer Rare Glimpse into Bees' Universe

bee wears a 170-milligram (.006 ounces) radio tracking tag, about one-third of its body weight.
The tag, attached with eyelash glue and superglue, is powered by a hearing-aid battery and includes a crystal-controlled oscillator, tiny circuit and an antenna that sticks out from the back. Even loaded up like this, the bees "fly beautifully," says zoologist Martin Wikelski.
What's causing the unprecedented decline of millions of honeybees? This mystery has been vexing some of the world's best scientists ever since U.S. beekeepers began noticing enormous numbers of their bees dying off or vanishing for no apparent reason several years ago.
Honeybees contribute some $15 billion to the U.S. economy every year, pollinating 90 major crops, everything from fruits to nuts. Most of us take these foods for granted, rarely realizing the vital role tiny creatures play in making them thrive.
Revolutionary brain implant could create real-life bionic man
Science fiction is being transformed into science fact using tiny implants effectively to channel brain-waves to prosthetic limbs.
Children of the 1970s will remember the American TV series The Six Million Dollar Man featuring Steve Austin as a bionic man.
MicroBridge Services, based at Cardiff University, south Wales, is pioneering work which brings that fiction close to reality.
It is a leader in micro-engineering design and manufacture and possibly the only firm in the world capable of creating the implants.
The implants are the size of a match head which carries 100 sensors made of extremely hard tungsten carbide which conducts electricity.
The sensors are only slightly thicker than a human hair and sit on the brain picking up nerve impulses to relay to prosthetic limbs.
The hope is the technology will be instrumental in allowing amputees to learn to move prosthetic limbs and regain lost mobility.
Children of the 1970s will remember the American TV series The Six Million Dollar Man featuring Steve Austin as a bionic man.
MicroBridge Services, based at Cardiff University, south Wales, is pioneering work which brings that fiction close to reality.
It is a leader in micro-engineering design and manufacture and possibly the only firm in the world capable of creating the implants.
The implants are the size of a match head which carries 100 sensors made of extremely hard tungsten carbide which conducts electricity.
The sensors are only slightly thicker than a human hair and sit on the brain picking up nerve impulses to relay to prosthetic limbs.
The hope is the technology will be instrumental in allowing amputees to learn to move prosthetic limbs and regain lost mobility.
Scientists are a step closer to creating 'elixir of life'
The secrets of eternal youth are being unlocked by scientists.
Experiments show that an enzyme called telomerase could be the key ingredient in an 'elixir of life'.
Mice engineered to have extra-high levels of telomerase were bred with cancer-resistant creature with astonishing results.
Experiments show that an enzyme called telomerase could be the key ingredient in an 'elixir of life'.
Mice engineered to have extra-high levels of telomerase were bred with cancer-resistant creature with astonishing results.
Discovered: Cosmic Rays from a Mysterious, Nearby Object

Nov. 19, 2008: An international team of researchers has discovered a puzzling surplus of high-energy electrons bombarding Earth from space. The source of these cosmic rays is unknown, but it must be close to the solar system and it could be made of dark matter. Their results are being reported in the Nov. 20th issue of the journal Nature.
"This is a big discovery," says co-author John Wefel of Louisiana State University. "It's the first time we've seen a discrete source of accelerated cosmic rays standing out from the general galactic background."
Micro Aerial Vehicles

In this photo taken from computer animation video Friday, Nov. 21, 2008, and released by the U.S. Air Force, shows the next generation of drones, called Micro Aerial Vehicles, or MAVs. The MAVs could be as tiny as bumblebees and capable of flying undetected into buildings, where they could photograph, record, and even attack insurgents and terrorists. U.S. military engineers are trying to design flying robots disguised as insects that could one day spy on enemies and conduct dangerous missions without risking lives.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The 30 greatest conspiracy theories
1. September 11, 2001
Thanks to the power of the web and live broadcasts on television, the conspiracy theories surrounding the events of 9/11 - when terrorists attacked the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington - have surpassed those of Roswell and JFK in traction. Despite repeated claims by al-Qaeda that it planned, organised and orchestrated the attacks, several official and unofficial investigations into the collapse of the Twin Towers which concluded that structural failure was responsible and footage of the events themselves, the conspiracy theories continue to grow in strength.
At the milder end of the spectrum are the theorists who believe that the US government had prior warning of the attacks but did not do enough to stop them. Others believe that the Bush administration deliberately turned a blind eye to those warnings because it wanted a pretext to launch wars in the Middle East to usher in another century of American hegemony. A large group of people - collectively called the 9/11 Truth Movement - cite evidence that an airliner did not hit the Pentagon and that the World Trade Centre could not have been brought down by airliner impacts and burning aviation fuel alone. This final group points to video evidence which they claim shows puffs of smoke - so-called demoliton squibs - emerging from the Twin Towers at levels far below the aircraft impact zones and prior to the collapses. They also believe that, on the day itself, the US air force was deliberately stood down or sent on exercises to prevent intervention that could have saved the lives of nearly 3,000 people.
Many witnesses - including firemen, policemen and people who were inside the towers at the time - claim to have heard explosions below the aircraft impacts (including in basement levels) and before both the collapses and the attacks themselves. As with the assassination of JFK, the official inquiry into the events - the 9/11 Commission Report - is widely derided by the conspiracy community and held up as further evidence that 9/11 was an "inside job". Scientific journals have consistently rejected these hypotheses.
Thanks to the power of the web and live broadcasts on television, the conspiracy theories surrounding the events of 9/11 - when terrorists attacked the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington - have surpassed those of Roswell and JFK in traction. Despite repeated claims by al-Qaeda that it planned, organised and orchestrated the attacks, several official and unofficial investigations into the collapse of the Twin Towers which concluded that structural failure was responsible and footage of the events themselves, the conspiracy theories continue to grow in strength.
At the milder end of the spectrum are the theorists who believe that the US government had prior warning of the attacks but did not do enough to stop them. Others believe that the Bush administration deliberately turned a blind eye to those warnings because it wanted a pretext to launch wars in the Middle East to usher in another century of American hegemony. A large group of people - collectively called the 9/11 Truth Movement - cite evidence that an airliner did not hit the Pentagon and that the World Trade Centre could not have been brought down by airliner impacts and burning aviation fuel alone. This final group points to video evidence which they claim shows puffs of smoke - so-called demoliton squibs - emerging from the Twin Towers at levels far below the aircraft impact zones and prior to the collapses. They also believe that, on the day itself, the US air force was deliberately stood down or sent on exercises to prevent intervention that could have saved the lives of nearly 3,000 people.
Many witnesses - including firemen, policemen and people who were inside the towers at the time - claim to have heard explosions below the aircraft impacts (including in basement levels) and before both the collapses and the attacks themselves. As with the assassination of JFK, the official inquiry into the events - the 9/11 Commission Report - is widely derided by the conspiracy community and held up as further evidence that 9/11 was an "inside job". Scientific journals have consistently rejected these hypotheses.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
UK identities sold for £80 online

Internet fraudsters sell complete financial identities for just £80, according to an online safety group.
The details packaged and sold online include names, addresses, passport numbers and confidential financial data such as credit card numbers.
With six out of 10 people now managing finances online, experts say the public needs to do more to prevent e-crime.
The figure comes in data released as part of a week highlighting ways to protect identities online.
The Get Safe Online group, which is backed by police, government and banks, says ID theft is a serious problem because of an international trade in stolen identities and data.
The Disappearing Male
The Disappearing Male takes a close and disturbing look at what many doctors and researchers now suspect are responsible for many of these problems: a class of common chemicals that are ubiquitous in our world.
Found in everything from shampoo, sunglasses, meat and dairy products, carpet, cosmetics and baby bottles, they are called "hormone mimicking" or "endocrine disrupting" chemicals and they may be starting to damage the most basic building blocks of human development.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Austrian Government Study Confirms Genetically Modified (GM) Crops Threaten Human Fertility
A long-term feeding study commissioned by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, managed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, and carried out by Veterinary University Vienna, confirms genetically modified (GM) corn seriously affects reproductive health in mice. Non-GMO advocates, who have warned about this infertility link along with other health risks, now seek an immediate ban of all GM foods and GM crops to protect the health of humankind and the fertility of women around the world.
NEW 'Visa Card'

A credit card with its own LCD display and keypad has been unveiled.
Visa says the card will cut down on online shopping fraud. It will be tested in Britain early next year by the company MBNA.
Each card, identical in size and shape to current ones, has a 12-button keypad and a display powered by a battery that lasts up to three years.
Users have to input their Pin every time they make an online purchase.
The card then displays a security code, which must be entered into the website. If the code is authorised by Visa's servers, the purchase is approved.
The company hopes the card could boost shopping over the internet.
'We saw a big rise in online shopping, but consumers were still worried about fraud,' said Sandra Alzetta of Visa.
'We hope this new card will help allay those fears, and give consumers more confidence when shopping online.'
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Fox Business: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution
They mentioned that before 2012:
1. America will be the first undeveloped country
2. Revolution, food shortages, riots, marches
3. Food instead of gifts for Christmas
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Catching the Bug of Synchronicity
Synchronicities are those moments of "meaningful coincidence" when the boundary dissolves between the inner and the outer. At the synchronistic moment, just like a dream, our internal, subjective state appears, as if materialized in, as and through the outside world. Touching the heart of our being, synchronicities are moments in time in which there is a fissure in the fabric of what we have taken for reality and there is a bleed through from a higher dimension outside of time. Synchronicities are expressions of the dreamlike nature of reality, as they are moments in time when the timeless, dreamlike nature of the universe shines forth its radiance and openly reveals itself to us, offering us an open doorway to lucidity.
MPs seek to censor the media

Britain's security agencies and police would be given unprecedented and legally binding powers to ban the media from reporting matters of national security, under proposals being discussed in Whitehall.
The Intelligence and Security Committee, the parliamentary watchdog of the intelligence and security agencies which has a cross-party membership from both Houses, wants to press ministers to introduce legislation that would prevent news outlets from reporting stories deemed by the Government to be against the interests of national security.
The committee also wants to censor reporting of police operations that are deemed to have implications for national security. The ISC is to recommend in its next report, out at the end of the year, that a commission be set up to look into its plans, according to senior Whitehall sources.
Danish ace is youngest World Series of Poker champ

LAS VEGAS (AP)—A 22-year-old Danish poker professional won the World Series of Poker early Tuesday, turning a wheel straight on the last hand to become the youngest champion in the history of the no-limit Texas Hold ‘em main event.
Peter Eastgate hit an ace-to-five straight on the turn and instantly called an all-in bet from Ivan Demidov on the river to win the title and $9,152,416. Demidov held two pair, twos and fours.
The previous youngest champion was 11-time gold bracelet winner Phil Hellmuth, who was 24 when he won the tournament in 1989.
World marks end of 'war to end all wars'

(CNN) -- The handful of surviving World War I veterans were celebrated Tuesday as part of 90th anniversary commemorations of the conflict that was meant to "end all wars."
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy at a WWI memorial in France.
France's President Nicolas Sarkozy, Britain's Prince Charles, German parliament Speaker Peter Muller and Australia's Governor General Quentin Bryce held a joint remembrance ceremony at Fort Douaumont, where more than 300,000 men were slaughtered over 300 days during the Battle of Verdun.
The quartet laid wreaths at the foot of a massive French flag that soared over the ground between two large fields of crosses marking graves.
Nice end of all wars....
Monday, November 10, 2008
Hague Prosecutor Says Bush-Blair Could Face War Crimes Charges: 1 Million Iraqis Killed
International Criminal Court prosecutor announced on Sunday that US President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair could face war crimes charges at the Hague, after it emerged that up to one million Iraqis have been killed since the illegal invasion.
Chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said that he could envision a situation in which Mr Bush and Mr Blair found themselves in the dock.
"Of course that could be a possibility. Whatever country joins the court can know that whoever commits a crime in their country could be prosecuted by me," Mr Moreno-Ocampo affirmed.
International Criminal Court prosecutor announced on Sunday that US President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair could face war crimes charges at the Hague, after it emerged that up to one million Iraqis have been killed since the illegal invasion.
Chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said that he could envision a situation in which Mr Bush and Mr Blair found themselves in the dock.
"Of course that could be a possibility. Whatever country joins the court can know that whoever commits a crime in their country could be prosecuted by me," Mr Moreno-Ocampo affirmed.
Obama Website Scrubs Mandatory Community Service Call

Monday, November 10, 2008
Following a controversy over language that appeared on Barack Obama’s official website suggesting that Americans would be mandated to complete up to 100 hours of community service as part of a national service program, the original text has been memory-holed and replaced with a more sanitized version.
Despite numerous bloggers picking up on the switch, along with screenshots from before and after proving the language was changed, mesmerized Obama supporters are still claiming that that detractors had invented the language and that the website had not been altered.
The text from Obama’s website, which went online shortly after the election result, originally appeared as follows (emphasis mine).
Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year.
The text was changed at some point on Friday afternoon/evening to the following (emphasis mine).
Time to say goodbye to Planet Earth?
MOSCOW. (Andrei Kislyakov, scientific commentator, for RIA Novosti) - This year will be remembered for the Russian-Georgian conflict over South Ossetia and the protracted economic crisis. Moreover, it turns out that, if humankind wants to survive, it will soon have to colonize some other planet.
A new report issued by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) warns of the danger to future prosperity if the reckless over-consumption of the Earth's natural resources is left unchecked.
WWF's Living Planet Report 2008, produced with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and the Global Footprint Network (GFN), shows more than three quarters of the world's population are now living in nations that are ecological debtors, where national consumption has outstripped their country's biological capacity.
Presently, human demand on the world's natural resources measure nearly a third more than earth can sustain. In addition, global natural wealth and diversity continue to decline.
In the next 30 years, the world will face shortages of the most essential resources and an imminent political and economic disaster. Consequently, humankind must either drastically change its way of life or settle on another planet somewhere out in space.
A new report issued by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) warns of the danger to future prosperity if the reckless over-consumption of the Earth's natural resources is left unchecked.
WWF's Living Planet Report 2008, produced with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and the Global Footprint Network (GFN), shows more than three quarters of the world's population are now living in nations that are ecological debtors, where national consumption has outstripped their country's biological capacity.
Presently, human demand on the world's natural resources measure nearly a third more than earth can sustain. In addition, global natural wealth and diversity continue to decline.
In the next 30 years, the world will face shortages of the most essential resources and an imminent political and economic disaster. Consequently, humankind must either drastically change its way of life or settle on another planet somewhere out in space.
Fist fight in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Nov 9 - Armenian and Greek Orthodox worshippers and clergy have a fist fight in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Israeli police say worshippers began fighting each other first as the Armenians were preparing for an annual procession but then clergy on both sides started throwing punches as well
Europe's secret plan to boost GM crop production

Gordon Brown and other European leaders are secretly preparing an unprecedented campaign to spread GM crops and foods in Britain and throughout the continent, confidential documents obtained by The Independent on Sunday reveal.
The documents – minutes of a series of private meetings of representatives of 27 governments – disclose plans to "speed up" the introduction of the modified crops and foods and to "deal with" public resistance to them.
And they show that the leaders want "agricultural representatives" and "industry" – presumably including giant biotech firms such as Monsanto – to be more vocal to counteract the "vested interests" of environmentalists.
2,000-year-old gold earring found in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM – Israeli archaeologists have discovered a 2,000-year-old gold earring beneath a parking lot next to the walls of Jerusalem's old city, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Monday.
The discovery dates to the time of Christ, during the Roman period, said Doron Ben-Ami, director of excavation at the site. The piece was found in a Byzantine structure built several centuries after the jeweled earring was made, showing it was likely passed down through generations, he said.
The find is luxurious: A large pearl inlaid in gold with two drop pieces, each with an emerald and pearl set in gold.
"It must have belonged to someone of the elite in Jerusalem," Ben-Ami said. "Such a precious item, it couldn't be one of just ordinary people."
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Transplanting memories
EU Calls For 'New World Governance'
"This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the pieces are in flux, soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world around us."
Tony Blair, Tuesday, 2 October, 2001
Video shows Sarkozy and Barroso calling for a "New World Order", "New World Governance", "New Global Order".
The EU and globalists are determined to use crisis' to setup the final stages of what they call the "New World Order".
CNN: "Barroso outlined no specific proposals but said a solution needed to be based on transparency, responsibility, cross-border supervision and global governance"
Tony Blair, Tuesday, 2 October, 2001
Video shows Sarkozy and Barroso calling for a "New World Order", "New World Governance", "New Global Order".
The EU and globalists are determined to use crisis' to setup the final stages of what they call the "New World Order".
CNN: "Barroso outlined no specific proposals but said a solution needed to be based on transparency, responsibility, cross-border supervision and global governance"
The New World Order
Understand your enemy, and understand the weapons they use. Then use those same weapons against them. The money system is the head of the snake. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will whither and die. There need be No violence, no guns, no banners, no slogans, no group think, just a united act of global non compliance. Remember that it is much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them and it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right and spit in the face of authority than it does to blindly follow orders due to fear of the consequences. Understand that we are all one and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love. It is time for the people of the world to stop and realise that the divisions that supposedly exist amongst us are an illusion. There IS NO division and its time for everyone to understand the truth of this. It is through the constantly promoted illusion of division that the system is able to function but in order for it to do so, it needs public compliance. Stop complying with it and you will shut it down. Its time for us all to collectively stand together and address the root cause of the problems. Everyone.
Harnessing The Power Of The Brain
The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops

Shankara, like millions of other Indian farmers, had been promised previously unheard of harvests and income if he switched from farming with traditional seeds to planting GM seeds instead.
Prince Charles
Beguiled by the promise of future riches, he borrowed money in order to buy the GM seeds. But when the harvests failed, he was left with spiralling debts - and no income.
So Shankara became one of an estimated 125,000 farmers to take their own life as a result of the ruthless drive to use India as a testing ground for genetically modified crops.
The crisis, branded the 'GM Genocide' by campaigners, was highlighted recently when Prince Charles claimed that the issue of GM had become a 'global moral question' - and the time had come to end its unstoppable march.
Distressed: Prince Charles has set up charity Bhumi Vardaan Foundation to address the plight of suicide farmers
Global Crisis? This is the real crisis!
If you think that the current economic crisis is something that has never happened in history before, you may be wrong! After the collapse of the agriculture sector in Zimbabwe in 2000, the inflation in that country skyrocketed to 231 million percent a year! Just think about it - 231 000 000%! Unemployment went up to 80% and a third of country’s population left it.
Let`s now have a look at the photos that you may not be able to see anywhere else in the world.
Here is a boy getting change in 200 000 dollar notes!

One 200 000 dollar note equals less than $0.10 cents.
read more:
Let`s now have a look at the photos that you may not be able to see anywhere else in the world.
Here is a boy getting change in 200 000 dollar notes!

One 200 000 dollar note equals less than $0.10 cents.
read more:
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Vote and be vaccinated!!
CNN Reports on the 200 flu vaccine clinics that are being held at polling sites across the U.S.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Children of Men 2006
In 2027, in a chaotic world in which humans can no longer procreate, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea, where her child's birth may help scientists save the future of humankind.
Oldboy 2003
After being kidnapped and imprisoned for 15 years, Oh Dae-Su is released, only to find that he must find his captor in 5 days
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Ex-Italian President: Provocateur Riots Then “Beat The Shit Out Of Protesters”

Cossiga says Italian government should “do what I did” under Operation GLADIO - infiltrate protest groups with agent provocateurs
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga has offered a solution to the Italian government in dealing with widespread demonstrations by students and teachers over a cut in state funding of education - use agent provocateurs to start riots and then have the police “beat the shit out of the protesters”.
Cossiga, former Italian President, Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior, and one of the founders of the Operation GLADIO covert intelligence unit, encouraged Silvio Berlusconi and current Minister of the Interior Robert Maroni to “do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior,” namely infiltrate what so far have been relatively peaceful demonstrations, radicalize them, start riots, then engender public support for a heavy-handed police response.
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