Police are describing the threat to London from G20 protesters as "unprecedented", with seven different protests expected in the capital on the day of next week's summit.
However senior officers were insistent that London would not be shut down for the G20 meeting for world leaders and said people would be able to go about their business.
Police are expecting as many as 2,000 protesters to march through the Square Mile on April 1 on the eve of the summit.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Conficker Computer Worm Threatens Chaos
Somewhere out there, perhaps in Eastern Europe, perhaps next door to us, a very clever hacker is spreading a sophisticated little computer worm called Conficker.
It could make an electronic mess as it spreads from one computer to another, taking over machines and commanding them to do things their users never intended.
"We've got some bad guys out there who are extremely sophisticated," said Merrick Furst, a professor at Georgia Institute of Technology who also chairs an Internet security firm called Damballa. "There are a huge number of machines that might be able to be controlled by people other than the owners of those machines."
It could make an electronic mess as it spreads from one computer to another, taking over machines and commanding them to do things their users never intended.
"We've got some bad guys out there who are extremely sophisticated," said Merrick Furst, a professor at Georgia Institute of Technology who also chairs an Internet security firm called Damballa. "There are a huge number of machines that might be able to be controlled by people other than the owners of those machines."
U.S. destroyers on move as N. Korea prepares rocket launch
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. Navy ships capable of shooting down ballistic missiles are being moved to the Sea of Japan, a Navy spokesman said.
The USS Chaffee is one of two destroyers headed to South Korea for an upcoming ceremony.
The USS Chaffee is one of two destroyers headed to South Korea for an upcoming ceremony.
The move came as North Korea was preparing for an expected rocket launch next month.
Later Thursday, Japan announced it was ready to fire on the rocket if any part of it enters Japanese airspace.
The USS Chaffee is one of two destroyers headed to South Korea for an upcoming ceremony.
The USS Chaffee is one of two destroyers headed to South Korea for an upcoming ceremony.
The move came as North Korea was preparing for an expected rocket launch next month.
Later Thursday, Japan announced it was ready to fire on the rocket if any part of it enters Japanese airspace.
Japan prepared to 'destroy' N Korea rocket (just in case)
Japan says it is deploying missile interceptors to destroy any parts of a North Korean rocket that might fall on its territory.
North Korea has said it will launch a satellite into orbit next month.
South Korea, Japan and the US say the launch is cover for a test of the Taepodong-2 ballistic missile.
The US said a launch would violate UN Security Council resolutions. Russia said North Korea should "abstain" from testing any missiles.
North Korea has said it will launch a satellite into orbit next month.
South Korea, Japan and the US say the launch is cover for a test of the Taepodong-2 ballistic missile.
The US said a launch would violate UN Security Council resolutions. Russia said North Korea should "abstain" from testing any missiles.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009

Iapetus (ook wel Japetus) is een natuurlijke maan van Saturnus. De maan is in 1671 ontdekt door Giovanni Cassini. Iapetus is aan één kant veel donkerder dan aan de andere kant en heeft een 'gebonden' rotatie. Hierdoor is hij veel beter te zien als hij westelijk van Saturnus staat. Iapetus is genoemd naar de gelijknamige Titaan uit de Griekse mythologie, zie: Iapetus (mythologie).

Het oppervlak van de maan is met een temperatuur van 130 K op de donkere hemisfeer het warmst van het Saturnussysteem. De maan bestaat voornamelijk uit ijs en een klein deel silicaatgesteente.

De baan die Iapetus beschrijft om Saturnus is enigszins ongewoon. Hoewel het één van Saturnus' grootste manen is staat het op een veel grotere afstand dan Titan. Ook heeft de baan een veel grotere glooiingshoek ten opzichte van Saturnus' evenaar dan de andere grote manen. De oorzaak van deze afwijkingen is onbekend. Door de grotere afstand en glooiingshoek is het de enige grote maan waar vanaf de ringen van Saturnus zouden kunnen worden gezien.
In de zeventiende eeuw werd door Giovanni Cassini al aangenomen dat een kant van Iapetus veel donkerder was dan de andere kant. Dit baseerde hij op het feit dat Iapetus slechts aan een kant van Saturnus te zien was. Deze aanname werd in 1981 bevestigd door foto's genomen door Voyager 2 op een afstand van 966 000 km. De donkere helft heeft een albedo van 0,03 – 0,05 terwijl de lichte zijde een albedo van 0,5 - 0,6 heeft. De oorsprong van de materie dit verschijnsel veroorzaakt is onbekend.

Naast de al genoemde bijzonderheden van Iapetus is er nog een mysterie. Op de evenaar van de maan is door de ruimtesonde Cassini een plateau van 20 kilometer breed en 13 kilometer hoog ontdekt die zich uitstrekt over 1300 kilometer. Verschillende verklaringen zijn geponeerd maar geen is tot nu toe bewezen. Mogelijk zal de Cassini-sonde 10 september 2007 als het op een afstand van 1 200 kilometer de maan zal passeren foto's maken die meer duidelijkheid geven.

Sunday, March 8, 2009
1986 "THE PLAN"
"Jonathan May formerly worked for the International Monetary Fund in England. In the early 1980s he came to America with a plan to release Americans from debt to the banking system by employing the same "credit creating" system used by international banking. The law governing this system is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). May was initially successful. Eventually, however, he was targeted and imprisoned by the banking system. He is now in a Federal prison in the midwest. While in prison he was interviewed by Lindsey Williams via phone." This is a talk, given by Lindsey Williams in 1986, covers the continuing efforts of International Bankers to control the economies of the world through 20:1 fractional lending, gold and oil manipulation, and eventually the setup of one world central bank.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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