Sunday, November 15, 2009
Putin joins hip-hop Battle for Respect
Russias Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has taken part in a musical program on Russian TV. The PM attended the final of the contest "Battle for Respect: Start It Today" to personally award the winners.
The Matador: Carlos Mortensen

Juan Carlos Mortensen (born April 13, 1972 in Ambato, Ecuador) is a professional poker player and the only Hispanic Main Event winner of the World Series of Poker. Mortensen is known for his loose play, bluffing tactics, and interesting chip-stacking style.[1]
Mortensen moved from Spain to the United States in the late 1990s to play poker. He won $1,500,000 at the 2001 World Series of Poker (WSOP) main event. He also won the World Poker Tour (WPT) Doyle Brunson North American Poker Championship in 2004 for $1,000,000. Mortensen won the Season Five World Poker Tour championship event, and its $3,970,415 first prize and his second WPT title, making him the first player to ever win the World Championship events at both the World Series of Poker and the World Poker Tour.
Mexican Drug Cartel Leader Makes Forbes' Most Powerful People In The World List

Mexico City, Mexico (CNN) -- A reputed Mexican drug lord with a $5 million reward on his head has been named to Forbes magazine's list of the most powerful people in the world.
Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, who authorities say heads the powerful Sinaloa Cartel, is believed to have shipped $6 billion to $19 billion in cocaine to the United States over the past eight years, Forbes says in the listing.
The magazine ranks him No. 41, ahead of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (No. 43), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (46), French President Nicolas Sarkozy (56) and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (67). Guzman also bested U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts (49) and entertainer Oprah Winfrey (45) on the list, released Wednesday.
Ahead of: Hugo Chavez, Oprah and Medvedev!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

* Homer Simpson- Taurus
* Marge Simpson- Cancer
* Bart Simpson- Aries
* Lisa Simpson-Virgo
* Abe Simpson- Taurus
* Patty & Selma Bouvier - Capricorn
* Comic Book Guy- Taurus

Gay bomb plan by US
Documents released to The Sunshine Project under Freedom of Information laws also show other weapons in the project would "attract annoying creatures to the enemy position", including biting bugs, rodents and "larger animals".
Sexual attractants would also be a key ingredient in the chemicals designed attract the bugs and pests.
The project also aimed to identify "bad guys" with non-lethal chemical markers.
While rumours of a gay bomb have previously been circulated, The Pentagon last week, admitted it had considered – but rejected – the project proposed by the Wright Laboratory at an Ohio Air Force base.
Sexual attractants would also be a key ingredient in the chemicals designed attract the bugs and pests.
The project also aimed to identify "bad guys" with non-lethal chemical markers.
While rumours of a gay bomb have previously been circulated, The Pentagon last week, admitted it had considered – but rejected – the project proposed by the Wright Laboratory at an Ohio Air Force base.
Psychic computer that can read people's minds developed
2 November 2009 @ 12:40 am BST
Next Technology Article
London - Criminals beware - a team of international scientists have developed a "psychic computer" which reportedly can read people's minds and reproduce images of what they are seeing or even remembering by scanning their brain activity.
According to The Sunday Times, the scientists, in a major breakthrough, have been able to "decode" and convert brain signals or activity into crude moving images on a computer screen.
During the research, the scientists used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology to scan the brains of two volunteers as they watched videos.
Next Technology Article
London - Criminals beware - a team of international scientists have developed a "psychic computer" which reportedly can read people's minds and reproduce images of what they are seeing or even remembering by scanning their brain activity.
According to The Sunday Times, the scientists, in a major breakthrough, have been able to "decode" and convert brain signals or activity into crude moving images on a computer screen.
During the research, the scientists used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology to scan the brains of two volunteers as they watched videos. is a Tavistock Operation?
I used to frequent a conspiracy theory message board (forum) called godlikeproductions ( You can find all sorts of crazy topics on there, but every now and then you can find some truly interesting info that seems to have credible sources that you can actually validate. I would visit for the entertainment value and also for the chance that I might stumble upon a post by someone that might actually know something.
Anyway, one day I saw a post titled “The truth about GLP”. It looked interesting so I clicked it. The poster said to google three things: “webhelper trinity”, “the best kept secret in america” and “godlikeproductions”. Before I did this, I scrolled down to see some of the responses. Someone had posted a couple of sentences that didn’t make sense. They said, “Jack_Frost has caused quite a buzz by buying out a popular internet message board, He is posting there under the name “^TrInItY^”, and bans anyone who mentions bunny or flowers.”
A couple of posts later, someone quoted that and said, “See! Some of the words automatically got changed” or something along those lines. I thought to myself, “Wow, so this conspiracy theory message board is censoring certain words.” I really wanted to know what the original sentence said so I started googling like the original poster advised. Upon googling “webhelper trinity”, I clicked on the first link and it was to a thread on a message board. I actually found the exact sentence that the poster had copied and pasted (without the changes obviously)...... read more:
ps:Obviously this wasnt written by me.
Anyway, one day I saw a post titled “The truth about GLP”. It looked interesting so I clicked it. The poster said to google three things: “webhelper trinity”, “the best kept secret in america” and “godlikeproductions”. Before I did this, I scrolled down to see some of the responses. Someone had posted a couple of sentences that didn’t make sense. They said, “Jack_Frost has caused quite a buzz by buying out a popular internet message board, He is posting there under the name “^TrInItY^”, and bans anyone who mentions bunny or flowers.”
A couple of posts later, someone quoted that and said, “See! Some of the words automatically got changed” or something along those lines. I thought to myself, “Wow, so this conspiracy theory message board is censoring certain words.” I really wanted to know what the original sentence said so I started googling like the original poster advised. Upon googling “webhelper trinity”, I clicked on the first link and it was to a thread on a message board. I actually found the exact sentence that the poster had copied and pasted (without the changes obviously)...... read more:
ps:Obviously this wasnt written by me.
Machines now beat humans at lip-reading
How do I know you're lying? My computer is watching your lips moving.
Once again computers are proving more capable at something that has long been the domain of humans.
Nothing all that unusual here, really: Machine-based lip recognition systems have finally advanced to the point where they can detect with 80 percent accuracy what a person is saying, in the absence of audio. Humans score a pathetic 32 percent accuracy on average on the same job.
Once again computers are proving more capable at something that has long been the domain of humans.
Nothing all that unusual here, really: Machine-based lip recognition systems have finally advanced to the point where they can detect with 80 percent accuracy what a person is saying, in the absence of audio. Humans score a pathetic 32 percent accuracy on average on the same job.
Sun does 180.
February 15, 2001 -- You can't tell by looking, but scientists say the Sun has just undergone an important change. Our star's magnetic field has flipped.
The Sun's magnetic north pole, which was in the northern hemisphere just a few months ago, now points south. It's a topsy-turvy situation, but not an unexpected one.
"This always happens around the time of solar maximum," says David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight Center. "The magnetic poles exchange places at the peak of the sunspot cycle. In fact, it's a good indication that Solar Max is really here."
Earth’s magnetic field also flips, but with less regularity. Consecutive reversals are spaced 5 thousand years to 50 million years apart. The last reversal happened 740,000 years ago. Some researchers think our planet is overdue for another one, but nobody knows exactly when the next reversal might occur.
February 15, 2001 -- You can't tell by looking, but scientists say the Sun has just undergone an important change. Our star's magnetic field has flipped.
The Sun's magnetic north pole, which was in the northern hemisphere just a few months ago, now points south. It's a topsy-turvy situation, but not an unexpected one.
"This always happens around the time of solar maximum," says David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight Center. "The magnetic poles exchange places at the peak of the sunspot cycle. In fact, it's a good indication that Solar Max is really here."
Earth’s magnetic field also flips, but with less regularity. Consecutive reversals are spaced 5 thousand years to 50 million years apart. The last reversal happened 740,000 years ago. Some researchers think our planet is overdue for another one, but nobody knows exactly when the next reversal might occur.
Scientists Use Laser To Give False Memories to Flies
It’s not enough that we swat flies or lure them to get stuck on glued paper, now we are also writing false memories into their brains.
A team of neuroscientists at the University of Oxford have discovered a way to trigger behavior in flies by selectively modifying neurons in their brain and stimulating them with a laser in order to simulate a learning experience. As published in the science journal Cell, flies were made to prefer one smell over another even though they had no real world experience associated with either smell. The experiment has important implications for the eventual development of a technology to create false human memories. We could one day “learn” by having experiences directly inputed into our brains.
A team of neuroscientists at the University of Oxford have discovered a way to trigger behavior in flies by selectively modifying neurons in their brain and stimulating them with a laser in order to simulate a learning experience. As published in the science journal Cell, flies were made to prefer one smell over another even though they had no real world experience associated with either smell. The experiment has important implications for the eventual development of a technology to create false human memories. We could one day “learn” by having experiences directly inputed into our brains.
Piratenpartij krijgt tweede zetel Europarlement!!!! :)
De Zweedse 'Piratenpartij' krijgt een tweede zetel voor het Europese Parlement. Eerder dit jaar behaalde de partij al een zetel, nadat het ruim zeven procent van de Zweedse stemmen in de wacht sleepte. Het zou een tweede zetel krijgen bij het inwerkingtreden van het verdrag van Lissabon, wat voorheen de afgeschoten Europese grondwet was.
Nu ook de laatste handtekening onder het verdrag is gezet, die van de Tsjechische president Klaus, is de extra zetel beschikbaar gekomen.
Ondanks het feit dat de partij fel tégen het verdrag was zal het toch de tweede zetel innemen. Dit zal gedaan worden door de 22-jarige Amelia Andersdotter. Zij is meteen het jongste lid van het Europees Parlement. De andere zetel is vergeven aan Christian Engstrom.
De Piratenpartij heeft als voornaamste programmapunten het beperken van auteursrechten en het beschermen van burgervrijheden en privacy.
Nu ook de laatste handtekening onder het verdrag is gezet, die van de Tsjechische president Klaus, is de extra zetel beschikbaar gekomen.
Ondanks het feit dat de partij fel tégen het verdrag was zal het toch de tweede zetel innemen. Dit zal gedaan worden door de 22-jarige Amelia Andersdotter. Zij is meteen het jongste lid van het Europees Parlement. De andere zetel is vergeven aan Christian Engstrom.
De Piratenpartij heeft als voornaamste programmapunten het beperken van auteursrechten en het beschermen van burgervrijheden en privacy.
'Arrestatiebevel staatssecretaris Italië'
Het Openbaar Ministerie in Napels heeft de rechter gevraagd om een arrestatiebevel tegen Nicola Cosentino (50), staatssecretaris van Economische Zaken in het Italiaanse kabinet. De topman van de partij PDL van Silvio Berlusconi zou banden hebben met de maffia.
Dit hebben Italiaanse media vandaag gemeld. Cosentino zou onder meer zijn betrokken bij de illegale afvalhandel van de Camorra, de maffia in de Zuid-Italiaanse regio Campanië waarvan Napels de hoofdstad is. De illegale afvalhandel is een van de belangrijkste inkomstenbronnen van de Camorra en zorgt voor grote overlast bij de bevolking.
Cosentino werd tot nu toe beschouwd als de gedoodverfde PDL-kandidaat om volgend jaar president van de regio Campanië te worden. Premier Berlusconi heeft hem gebeld om hem moed in te spreken, aldus Italiaanse media. Volgens Berlusconi's advocaat Nicolò Ghedini zou het verzoek om een arrestatiebevel een "politieke manoeuvre" zijn "om de politieke carrière van Cosentino te beëindigen".
Dit hebben Italiaanse media vandaag gemeld. Cosentino zou onder meer zijn betrokken bij de illegale afvalhandel van de Camorra, de maffia in de Zuid-Italiaanse regio Campanië waarvan Napels de hoofdstad is. De illegale afvalhandel is een van de belangrijkste inkomstenbronnen van de Camorra en zorgt voor grote overlast bij de bevolking.
Cosentino werd tot nu toe beschouwd als de gedoodverfde PDL-kandidaat om volgend jaar president van de regio Campanië te worden. Premier Berlusconi heeft hem gebeld om hem moed in te spreken, aldus Italiaanse media. Volgens Berlusconi's advocaat Nicolò Ghedini zou het verzoek om een arrestatiebevel een "politieke manoeuvre" zijn "om de politieke carrière van Cosentino te beëindigen".
Besluit EU-president volgende week verwacht
Huidig EU-voorzitter Zweden hoopt morgen de uitnodigingen de deur uit te doen voor een top waarop de regeringsleiders van de 27 lidstaten besluiten wie de eerste EU-president wordt. Een diplomaat in Brussel heeft dat vandaag gezegd. Naar verwachting heeft die top volgende week plaats.
Voor de functie zijn nog diverse gegadigden in de race. De Belgische premier Herman Van Rompuy leek de belangrijkste kandidaat, maar volgens ingewijden zijn premier Jan Peter Balkenende en ook de Luxemburgse premier Jean-Claude Juncker nog kansrijk. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk houdt vooralsnog vast aan de kandidatuur van ex-premier Tony Blair, hoewel de meeste regeringsleiders liever een christendemocraat dan een sociaaldemocraat willen.
Polen heeft erop aangedrongen dat de kandidaten voor de functie zich in het openbaar presenteren, maar dat op de valreep ingediende voorstel maakt naar verwachting geen kans. Balkenende en Van Rompuy zijn formeel geen kandidaat.
Voor de functie zijn nog diverse gegadigden in de race. De Belgische premier Herman Van Rompuy leek de belangrijkste kandidaat, maar volgens ingewijden zijn premier Jan Peter Balkenende en ook de Luxemburgse premier Jean-Claude Juncker nog kansrijk. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk houdt vooralsnog vast aan de kandidatuur van ex-premier Tony Blair, hoewel de meeste regeringsleiders liever een christendemocraat dan een sociaaldemocraat willen.
Polen heeft erop aangedrongen dat de kandidaten voor de functie zich in het openbaar presenteren, maar dat op de valreep ingediende voorstel maakt naar verwachting geen kans. Balkenende en Van Rompuy zijn formeel geen kandidaat.
Court blames three EU states for wasted billions
Spain, Italy and Portugal are responsible for the bulk of the financial errors detected by European auditors in the field of regional policy, where some €2.7 billion should not have been paid out in 2008.
The European Court of Auditors on Tuesday was for the 15th year in a row unable to sign off the EU accounts, due to a high level of errors in the areas of regional and rural development aid, which account for over a third of the community budget.
But the report notes improvements in the management of agriculture payments, which takes the lion's share of the EU budget (€55 billion). The sector has for the first time been given a green light, having an error rate of below two percent.
Unlike in other years, when naming and shaming misbehaving member states was a taboo for both the European Commission and the Court of Auditors, this time around the three southern countries were highlighted for being responsible for some 80 percent of the errors in the field of regional policy.
The European Court of Auditors on Tuesday was for the 15th year in a row unable to sign off the EU accounts, due to a high level of errors in the areas of regional and rural development aid, which account for over a third of the community budget.
But the report notes improvements in the management of agriculture payments, which takes the lion's share of the EU budget (€55 billion). The sector has for the first time been given a green light, having an error rate of below two percent.
Unlike in other years, when naming and shaming misbehaving member states was a taboo for both the European Commission and the Court of Auditors, this time around the three southern countries were highlighted for being responsible for some 80 percent of the errors in the field of regional policy.
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