Andrew Jackson “Jack” Whittaker, Jr. (born c. 1947 in Jumping Branch, Summers County, West Virginia) is a West Virginia businessman who became famous when he won US$315 million in the Powerball multi-state lottery. At the time it was the largest jackpot ever won by a single winning ticket in the history of American lottery.
Whittaker, who already had a net worth of $17 million, received a $114 million check after taxes(!!! wtf $201 million?!). He gave money to Christian charities and a personal foundation supporting low-income families.
Whittaker did some good, but his bad deeds make his story. He was arrested twice, once for drunk driving and once for threatening a bar manager followed. A woman sued him after he groped her at a dog racetrack. Thieves took $545,000 in cash from Whittakers car while he was visiting a strip club. About a year later, thieves again stole $200,000 from his car. Caesars Atlantic City sued him for bouncing $1.5 million in checks. His wife divorced him.
Then, there were the dead bodies. In 2003, Whittakers granddaughters boyfriend was found dead of an overdose inside Whittakers home. His 17-year-old granddaughter, whom he had been giving a $2,100 weekly allowance, fatally overdosed months later, at a different location. His daughters mother of the dead granddaughter died this year of as-yet-undetermined causes.
In this messiest of lotto stories, nobody seems to have won.

You win some and you loose some.
A fool and his money do some stupid things......
Why would he keep all that money in his car while at a strip club or at Atlantic city ceasers.W.T.F.
He should of invested half of his winnings instead of giving it away.Donate very small amounts of money.
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