Thursday, October 4, 2012

Implant humans with algae so we can 'eat the sun'

Each week a global thinker from the worlds of philosophy, science, psychology or the arts is given a minute to put forward a radical, inspiring or controversial idea – no matter how improbable – that they believe would change the world. 

First of all a little background: the corals on a coral reef are actually a symbiotic combination of photosynthetic algae living inside of the coral animal and as a result, these animals only have a limited need to feed. They get most of their nutrition directly from sunlight, just like a green plant. So my idea is to implant tiny unicellular photosynthetic algae under the skin of humans.
Of course this would result in an even more wonderfully colourful human race than what we have now. But more importantly, these tiny symbiotes would create most of the food we need directly to humans and could help feed starving masses all over the world.
And since humans are warm-blooded, we could be growing our own food under our own skin even in winter, providing the sun was shining.”

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