OUT of chaos, comes order. A computer
that mimics the apparent randomness found in nature can instantly
recover from crashes by repairing corrupted data.
Dubbed a "systemic" computer, the
self-repairing machine now operating at University College London (UCL)
could keep mission-critical systems working. For instance, it could
allow drones to reprogram themselves to cope with combat damage, or help create more realistic models of the human brain.
Everyday computers are ill suited to
modelling natural processes such as how neurons work or how bees swarm.
This is because they plod along sequentially, executing one instruction
at a time. "Nature isn't like that," says UCL computer scientist Peter
Bentley. "Its processes are distributed, decentralised and
probabilistic. And they are fault tolerant, able to heal themselves. A
computer should be able to do that."
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