For decades they lay beneath the sea, undisturbed by time or tide.
But after 70 years, almost 100 Second World War bombs finally fulfilled their explosive destiny yesterday, thanks to the power of the 'Supermoon'.
A Navy bomb disposal team detonated them after abnormal tides thought to be caused by the unusual proximity of the moon washed them up on a Southampton beach.
The topic of communication between twins is surrounded by considerable mystery. There are claims of young twins sharing exclusive languages and even telepathic links. Developmental psychology offers some explanations of these phenomena, including the important role that nonverbal communication plays in the lives of all young children, especially twins.
Speech and Language Development in Twins Most children utter their first word between 12 to 18 months of age. A little later they begin stringing words together first into two-word utterances and later into short sentences. By their 2nd birthday, your child typically uses around 200 to 300 words.
t is not uncommon for twins to develop language a little more slowly. For example, on average, twins begin speaking later (around 25 months) and are more likely to have problems articulating words clearly; however, most parents are aware that children’s abilities to communicate their thoughts and feelings extend far beyond their still limited abilities to speak.
What makes this possible? The answer is their proficient use of nonverbal communication. Looking at children’s actions and facial expressions can tell us a huge amount about how they feel, what they want and even what they are thinking. These cues may be particularly important for the early communication of twins both between themselves and with others.
Two boys, ages 7 and 9, have admitted to raping a toddler. The 2-year-old victim's brother, age 5, saw the two neighborhood boys abusing his sister and told his mother. The boys initially blamed each other but gave similar details about the Aug. 9 crime, which included penetration. Both boys later admitted to the crime to avoid a trial. During a Shelby County Juvenile Court hearing Monday, Magistrate Dan Michael is scheduled to decide whether to remove the boys from their South Memphis homes. Due to their ages and details of the case, prosecutor Chris Lareau said he will ask the judge to place the boys in state custody for treatment
BELLAIRE, OHIO - An Ohio man is fighting for his life after he had to be cut out of his house.
The 43-year-old morbidly obese man sat in a chair for two years without moving. His skin was apparently welded to the chair with urine and feces.
"Well, the chair was outside, they had to take a section of the wall down to the house to get him out. The chair was very filthy (grimaces) a lot of odor to it. Going in the house, the house was not clean. The living room where the man lived in his chair was very filthy, very deplorable. It’s unbelievable that somebody lives in conditions like that," said Jim Chase, Bellaire, and Ohio Code Enforcer. "I instructed the landlord this morning and the two people, the tenants at the house they had to get it cleaned, there's no way they can live in something like that, and so they are working on it. So, I'll be going back daily, checking on it, making sure that they get it cleaned up and serviceable. If not, they must get out."
Some officers said it’s the worst thing they ever responded to. One officer even threw away his uniform.
Just when you thought you might be able to outrun the Cougar20-H surveillance robot that can detect human breathing, developer TiaLinx has launched a flying version that can do the same.
The Phoenix40-A is a mini-UAV with six rotors that can detect motion and breathing when searching for hidden people.
Like the Cougar20-H, it has an ultra-wideband radio frequency sensor array and can also detect motionless live objects. It also has video cameras for site surveillance.
Developed with U.S. Army funding, the Phoenix unmanned aerial vehicle can be remotely controlled from ground or air with a laptop or joystick, and can fly to multiple GPS points on its missions.
The flying robot's RF array can penetrate concrete walls from "an extended range," according to TiaLinx, which is based in Newport Beach, Calif.
Grindr is the free, fast, and fun place for gay, bi, and curious guys to meet. It uses location-based technolgies on iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Android, or BlackBerry to determine your exact location and instantly connect you with nearby guys. With over 1.5 million members worldwide, Grindr makes it easy to discover new people and make new friends.
Two months ago, a thief stole a Macbook Air from Mark Bao, the 18-year old serial entrepreneur (he’s CEO of at least six companies), creator of the viral site, and weekend New Yorker. On Friday, he discovered he could remotely access the browser history on the machine. Lulz ensue! ”Wow. The first thing that MacBook thieves do REALLY IS take pictures on Photo Booth. I didn’t think they were that dumb!” he tweeted. Turns out the thief did more than take pictures–he took a video of himself dancing to T.I.’s “Rubber Band Man.”
Mr. Bao also attained access to the thief’s Facebook page; he lives a few blocks from Mr. Bao’s dorm at Bentley University in Waltham, Mass. Mr. Bao plans to report the thief to the campus police when he gets back from spring break–but not before some more public humiliation. “I’m too busy to stage any serious lulz, but don’t worry… lulz will certainly happen,” he tweeted.
"The Rothschild's total family wealth's real value is estimated at 750 trillion dollars. Assuming there are 7 billion people in the world. That is $107,142.86 for every man, woman and child on the planet." - crackerwv
The Earth is formed by accretion of spatial particulates and large masses and eventually formes an outer crust. Video follows with speculation of early plates and land masses and their movement through time. **Clip taken from National Geographics**
David Applegate, a senior science adviser for earthquake and geologic hazards for the U.S. Geological Survey, said the 8.9-magnitude quake ruptured a patch of the earth's crust 150 miles long and 50 miles across.
The Tsunami Photographed As it Arrives in San Francisco Bay
Japan Earthquake And Tsunami Caused By "Solar Flare"
According to NASA website March 9th ended with a powerful solar flare. Earth-orbiting satellites detected anX1.5-class explosion from behemoth sunspot 1166 around 2323 UT. A movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (above) shows a bright flash of UV radiation plus some material being hurled away from the blast site.
In addition, on March 10, 2011 around 0630 UT, a CME did strike a glaceing blow to Earth's magnetic field. This was a result of an M3 flare that occurred late on March 7, 2011.
At 2,200 km/sec, this was the fasted CME since September 2005 (Sumatra).
What is going on with all this recent solar activity?
After four years without any X-flares, the sun has produced two of the powerful blasts in less than one month: Feb. 15th and March 9th. This continues the recent trend of increasing solar activity associated with our sun's regular 11-year cycle, and confirms that Solar Cycle 24 is indeed heating up, as solar experts have expected. Solar activity will continue to increase as the solar cycle progresses toward solar maximum, expected in the 2013 time frame.
Solar Flare & Christchurch, New Zealand 6.3 earthquake February 22, 2011 :
Last month we informed our readers, solar flare storm will hit earth on February 18, 2011, which could possible cause earthquake as well.
And later on a strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake rocked the southern New Zealand city of Christchurch on February 22, 2011 and killed 400 + people and damaging buildings throughout the city.
The North is believed to be nearing completion of an electromagnetic pulse bomb that, if exploded 25 miles above ground would cause irreversible damage to electrical and electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers, radio and radar, experts say.
"We assume they are at a considerably substantial level of development," Park Chang-kyu of the Agency for Defense Development said at a briefing to the parliament Monday.
Park confirmed that South Korea has also developed an advanced electronic device that can be deployed in times of war.
The current attempts to interfere with GPS transmissions are coming from atop a modified truck-mounted Russian device. Pyongyang reportedly imported the GPS jamming system from Russia in early 2000 and has since developed two kinds of a modified version. It has also in recent years handed out sales catalogs of them to nations in the Middle East, according to South Korea's Chosun Ilbo.
The Air Force is honoring 910th Airlift Wing in Vienna for spraying Corexit according to Air Force Reserve Command's announcement Friday, reported by the Tribune Chronicle that calls the event a last year's incident and refers to it at an "oil spill."
The 910th is being honored with the ''Air Force Outstanding Unit Award'' recognizing the airlift wing for outstanding achievement from April 28 to June 4, 2010, when it sent two specially equipped C-130H aircraft and the associated personnel and support crew to Stennis International Airport in Mississippi to aid in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill cleanup efforts.
While "deployed to the Gulf Coast, the aircrews flew 92 sorties and sprayed 30,000 acres with nearly 149,000 gallons of dispersant."
Remember as a kid when your mom would declare "that could put an eye out" every time you found a cool new toy? Well I wonder if Patrick Priebe's mom ever told him that, because his DIY pulse laser gun is that kind of thing that should get moms everywhere running for the first aid kit.
Priebe's gun isn't just some fancy case with a laser pointer stuck inside, this sucker puts out some real power. The 1-Megawatt pulse is enough to punch holes in plastic sheets, scorch wood, and pop balloons from several feet away, so I imagine you wouldn't want that pulse hitting any body parts you happen to value.
Priebe built the gun for a customer, but says he can build more on request. Anyone want to take their Laser Tag game action up a few notches?
WASHINGTON – A community college student who says he's never done anything that should attract the interest of federal law enforcement officials filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the FBI for secretly putting a GPS tracking device on his car.
Yasir Afifi, 20, says a mechanic doing an oil change on his car in October discovered the device stuck with magnets between his right rear wheel and exhaust. They weren't sure what it was, but Afifi had the mechanic remove it and a friend posted photos of it online to see whether anyone could identify it. Two days later, Afifi says, agents wearing bullet-proof vests pulled him over as he drove away from his apartment in San Jose, Calif., and demanded their property back.
Afifi's lawsuit, filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, claims the FBI violated his civil rights by putting the device on his car without a warrant. His lawyers say Afifi, who was born in the United States, was targeted because of his extensive ties to the Middle East — he travels there frequently, helps support two brothers who live in Egypt, and his father was a well-known Islamic-American community leader who died last year in Egypt.
A Japanese scientist says last month's earthquake in New Zealand caused massive liquefaction in downtown Christchurch, intensifying damage. Liquefaction happens when quakes turn soil into a fluidlike mass.
Ehime University Associate Professor Shinichiro Mori entered central Christchurch on Sunday, after the authorities partially lifted the ban on entry to the area.
Mori assessed the extent of the liquefaction by asking questions, and by measuring cracks on roads and how much the roads had shifted. He found that one road had moved as much as 180 centimeters from its original position.
Mori confirmed that the quake caused huge liquefaction in central Christchurch.
He concluded that the liquefaction was a bigger cause of devastation to the city's buildings than the shock of the quake itself.
Mori said the extent of the liquidation caused by the quake was one of the largest on record. He said he will compare devastated areas with those with less damage to find out why some areas were affected more than others.
Weeks after a story shot across the Web claiming that the imminent explosion of a nearby star would result in the appearance of a second sun in the sky – a story that was later debunked – two suns were caught on camera yesterday in China. The suns – one fuzzy and orange, the other a crisp yellow orb – appeared side-by-side, one slightly higher than the other.
What's going on? Life's Little Mysteries, a sister site to, asked Jim Kaler, the University of Illinois astronomer who squelched the excitement over the aforementioned exploding Betelgeuse and who has written books on the day and night sky. The double sun image is an effect of optical refraction, Kaler said, but it's a "pretty darn rare" one, and one not fully explained by science.
"I doubt it's been computer modeled," he said. "There must have been some blob of atmosphere somewhere that caused this truly spectacular phenomenon, which in a sense is a mirage."
Sir David Attenborough and the Planet Earth team discover the weird world of the Cordyceps; killer fungi that invades the body of an insect to grow and diminish the insect population. Fascinating animal and wildlife video from the BBC epic natural world masterpiece 'Planet Earth'.
LONDON – Patrick Hetzner tried diets and exercise, just about everything short of stomach stapling to lose weight. Nothing worked. Five months ago he tried something new: a stomach pacemaker that curbed his appetite.
Since having it implanted, Hetzner, a 20-year-old Munich mailman, has knocked off more than 10 kilos (22 pounds) from his earlier weight of 104 kilos (229 pounds).
Hetzner got the device as part of a clinical trial. Since being approved by Britain last month, the device is available for sale across the European Union. It works a bit like a cardiac pacemaker, and consists of a stimulator and a sensor surgically implanted onto the stomach.
The stimulator sends out electrical pulses meant to trick the stomach and brain into thinking the body is full. Hetzner said the pulses kick in a few minutes after he starts eating or drinking. He said they make him feel full after finishing about half the amount of food he would normally eat.
"Jean Kilbourne’s pioneering work helped develop and popularize the study of gender representation in advertising. Her award-winning Killing us Softly films have influenced millions of college and high school students across two generations and on an international scale. In this important new film, Kilbourne reviews if and how the image of women in advertising has changed over the last 20 years.
With wit and warmth, Kilbourne uses over 160 ads and TV commercials to critique advertising’s image of women. By fostering creative and productive dialogue, she invites viewers to look at familiar images in a new way, that moves and empowers them to take action."
The fate of around nine unborn children hangs in the balance as Thai authorities weigh what to do with the offspring of Vietnamese women freed from an illegal baby breeding ring in Bangkok.
A total of 14 women, half of them pregnant, were freed on Wednesday from an operation using them as surrogates for wealthy childless couples overseas who placed orders for newborns online.
Campaigners fear for the future of the infants who are born to desperate women -- perhaps not their biological mothers -- and into a legal grey area, with Thailand still mulling the ramifications of the case.
"There is a risk that those children might end up as stateless, that they won't get citizenship anywhere," said Benedict Phillips, Asia strategy director at Save The Children.
Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit has described the gang, which operated under the name Baby 101, as "illegal and inhuman" and suggested some of the women had been raped.
A few were offered up to $5,000 per baby, but others said they had been tricked into the scam, said police, who have arrested four Taiwanese, one Chinese and three Myanmar nationals in connection with the operation.
Did you know that the Governor of Wisconsin has admitted that he and his advisors "thought about" launching a false-flag terror attack against the people of Wisconsin - and decided not to only because he wasn't sure it would achieve his political objectives?
False-flag terror is the oldest and arguably most powerful trick in the book of governments. By stirring up trouble and spreading fear, rulers trick the people into begging them - the rulers - for security at any price. Whether you are a state governor or the President of the United States or a tinpot dictator like Mubarak, the best way to augment your power is to hire special ops professionals to dress up as "terrorists" and perpetrate violence. You can then blame the violence on your political enemies, destroy those enemies, consolidate power, and rule unopposed.
AeroVironment Develops World's First Fully Operational Life-Size Hummingbird-Like Unmanned Aircraft for DARPA. For more information visit:
An instrument on the Indian lunar orbiter Chandrayaan-1 revealed a cave that is about 130 yards wide and just over a mile long near the moon's equator, in the Oceanus Procellarum area.
The scientists identify such caves as lava tubes, which they say “provide a natural environmental control with a nearly constant temperature of minus 20 degrees Celsius, unlike that of the lunar surface showing extreme variation, maximum of 130 degrees Celsius to a minimum of minus 180 degrees Celsius in its diurnal (day-night) cycle.
Read more on Moon Cave Could Shelter Astronauts, Scientists Say Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
The security response manager from Symantec says Android users need to beware!
Hackers are acquiring copies of legitimate programs and adding their own bit of coding which will eventually cost you big time once your bill arrives.
How does it work?
"The Trojan lets them send SMS messages to premium rate numbers. It monitors inbound SMS texts, and blocks alerts telling you that you've already exceeded your quota. The code inside [Steamy Windows] can be easily added to other apps. For someone who knows what they're doing -- and it seems these people have a good understanding of how apps are coded -- I'd put this in the 'trivial to do' category. The last few months, it seems to be ramping up. Downloading an app from one of these [third-party] sites is like downloading a Windows app from a 'warez' site. If you're hell-bent on using them, look at the permissions the app requests when it installs. A [rogue] app will request more permissions than the legitimate version."
Researchers create a Carbon based transistor that may eventually replace Silicon.
It's obvious that our current Silicon semiconductors work, otherwise you wouldn't have your computer to read this news story right now. But there is a limitation to the size of Silicon transistors. Currently, a number of manufacturers are moving from their 85 nanometer process down to a 65 nanometer process. The current record is 45 nanometers in the lab, with the physical limitation for Silicon transistors being around the 30 nanometer range. At that range aspects of voltage leakage and production accuracy issues come into play. So don't expect 25 nanometer chips anytime soon.
But back to the announcement.
Researchers from Britain's University of Manchester have created prototype transistors from Graphene, a form of Carbon that is just a single atom thick. Though they did first create this Graphene material two years ago, there were some initial difficulties with replicating the switching action of traditional Silicon transistors in this new Graphene material. But science does prevail and they have developed the first (hopefully of many) Graphene transistors that will switch like their Silicon counterparts.
The real benefit of Graphene is that unlike Silicon, Graphene will remain perfectly stable in strips that are only a few nanometers wide, like at 12 nanometers or less. We could never hit a stable 12 nanometers with Silicon, even if we really, really tried. But with Graphene the prospect for further miniaturization is realized. I for one would like an Octa-Core processor. So it may be that future electronic circuits may be carved from sheets of Graphene rather than Silicon.
Interchange Laboratories, Inc. has developed a mind-machine interface technology that has the advantage of being non-contact and non-invasive (no electrodes, helmets or signal implants).
Instead of detecting brain or nerve signals, the MMIP processes multiple signal sources originating at the quantum level where the distinction between mind and matter disappears and the influence of mental intention upon the MMIP becomes instantaneous over any distance.
The technology for the mind-machine influence experiment is presented and can be viewed in the system patent pending application US20080183314 Quantum Interaction Control System.
The MMIP, though still in its early stages of development, is now at the stage where it is powerful enough to drive a video game application (shown in the video) over the internet.
The wunderkinds at MIT's Media Lab (Fluid Interfaces Group) have developed a gesture-controlled wearable computing device that feeds you relevant information and turns any surface into an interactive display. Called the Sixth Sense, the gadget relies on certain gestures and on object recognition to call up virtual gadgets and Web-based information, in a way that conjures up the movie Minority Report.
Sixth Sense aims to integrate information and tech into everyday life.
The team built the Sixth Sense $350 prototype using off-the-shelf components-a simple web cam and portable battery-powered projector with a small mirror-that are fashioned into a pendant-style necklace that communicates with a cell phone.