Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Milton William Cooper on JFK's death
By 1998 Cooper was living in Arizona. There was a warrant for his arrest due to claims by a local doctor that Cooper made threatening actions when the doctor was loitering near Cooper's home. Cooper said he would meet with armed resistance any attempt to execute what he saw as "unlawful warrants." Later a warrant was issued for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, following a dispute with a local man who was stalking Cooper.[8] According to Commander X, in March 1999 Cooper sent his family out of the United States for their security. He lived and worked alone with his two dogs, one rooster, and one chicken until his death in 2001.[7] In July and September 2001, Cooper was accused of using a handgun to threaten a loiterer near his home in Eagar, Arizona.
On September 16, 2001, officers of the Apache County Sheriff's Office decided to serve Cooper a warrant based on the above-mentioned charges. For reasons not explained, the Sheriff's Office sent deputies to Cooper's home at approximately 11:00PM, and instead of knocking on his door and announcing themselves, the deputies attempted to lure Cooper from his house by posing as citizens playing loud music on or near his property. Cooper, who was an above the knee amputee, went down to investigate the scene in his truck. It is disputed whether the deputies identified themselves or tried to serve an arrest warrant at that time. Nevertheless, Cooper announced he was returning to his house to contact the Eager Police Department, either to verify the warrant or to contact the local authorities in order to report what he may have still believed was a real disturbance. Before he could do so however, the sheriff's deputies tried to apprehend him, at which point shooting began. Although it is unclear who began firing, there are some who question the uncertain circumstances, and who was responsible for first shots fired. Cooper was armed and one deputy was wounded. Another deputy returned fire, killing Cooper.[9] Milton William Cooper was 58 years old.
Obama endorses missile attacks
WASHINGTON, Jan 24: Hours after US missiles killed 22 people in Fata, President Barack Obama convened a meeting of his top national security advisers and endorsed the decision to continue drone strikes into Pakistan.
The US media, quoting unidentified official sources, reported that the first meeting of Mr Obama’s National Security Council focused on Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The New York Times reported on Saturday that the decision to attack alleged terrorist targets in Fata on Friday “dispelled for the moment any notion that Mr Obama would rein in the Predator attacks.”
The Washington Post noted that the strikes “offered the first tangible sign of President Obama’s commitment to sustained military pressure on the terrorist groups” in Fata.
At his daily White House briefing, press secretary Robert Gibbs declined to answer questions about the strikes, saying: “I’m not going to get into these matters.”
Pakistan: Only muslim country that legally has nuclear power.
America: Killing people in Pakistan
Pakistan: Might strike back...
The US media, quoting unidentified official sources, reported that the first meeting of Mr Obama’s National Security Council focused on Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The New York Times reported on Saturday that the decision to attack alleged terrorist targets in Fata on Friday “dispelled for the moment any notion that Mr Obama would rein in the Predator attacks.”
The Washington Post noted that the strikes “offered the first tangible sign of President Obama’s commitment to sustained military pressure on the terrorist groups” in Fata.
At his daily White House briefing, press secretary Robert Gibbs declined to answer questions about the strikes, saying: “I’m not going to get into these matters.”
Pakistan: Only muslim country that legally has nuclear power.
America: Killing people in Pakistan
Pakistan: Might strike back...
Space elevator ... and the next floor is outer space
Ever since it was first popularised by Arthur C Clarke, the idea of a “space elevator” has languished in the realms of science fiction. But now a team of British scientists has taken the first step on what could be a high-tech stairway to heaven.
Spurred on by a $4m (£2.7m) research prize from Nasa, a team at Cambridge University has created the world’s strongest ribbon: a cylindrical strand of carbon that combines lightweight flexibility with incredible strength and has the potential to stretch vast distances. The development has been seized upon by the space scientists, who believe the technology could allow astronauts to travel into space via a cable thousands of miles long — a space elevator.
They predict the breakthrough will revolutionise space travel. It has a point, though at this stage it is still a tenuous one. Such an elevator could potentially offer limitless and cheap space travel. At a stroke, it would make everything from tourism to more ambitious expeditions to Mars commercially viable. The idea couldn’t come too soon for Nasa, which spends an estimated £308m every time the shuttle blasts off, not to mention burning about 900 tons of polluting rocket fuel.
Spurred on by a $4m (£2.7m) research prize from Nasa, a team at Cambridge University has created the world’s strongest ribbon: a cylindrical strand of carbon that combines lightweight flexibility with incredible strength and has the potential to stretch vast distances. The development has been seized upon by the space scientists, who believe the technology could allow astronauts to travel into space via a cable thousands of miles long — a space elevator.
They predict the breakthrough will revolutionise space travel. It has a point, though at this stage it is still a tenuous one. Such an elevator could potentially offer limitless and cheap space travel. At a stroke, it would make everything from tourism to more ambitious expeditions to Mars commercially viable. The idea couldn’t come too soon for Nasa, which spends an estimated £308m every time the shuttle blasts off, not to mention burning about 900 tons of polluting rocket fuel.
'Flying car' goes to market

Company behind the vehicle prefers the term 'roadable aircraft'
The Transition aircraft, shown in this illustration with its wings partially unfolded, can shift from road-worthiness to airworthiness. The vehicle carries a price tag of $194,000.
Teleportation Milestone Achieved
Scientists have come a bit closer to achieving the "Star Trek" feat of teleportation. No one is galaxy-hopping, or even beaming people around, but for the first time, information has been teleported between two separate atoms across a distance of a meter — about a yard.
This is a significant milestone in a field known as quantum information processing, said Christopher Monroe of the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland, who led the effort.
This is a significant milestone in a field known as quantum information processing, said Christopher Monroe of the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland, who led the effort.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Compact Fluorescent Bulbs are Making People Sick
Compact fluorescent light bulbs are filling home and office environments with dangerous electromagnetic pollution, causing devastating health effects on some people. Neurologists are increasingly taking notice of the headaches and migraines being reported by people exposed to compact fluorescent light bulbs.
Coastguards can't start a rescue until they fill out a healthy and safety assessment
Coastguards have been ordered to fill in a health and safety questionnaire before they can respond to calls for help.
All 400 of Britain's rescue units have been told that before they travel to an accident scene they must complete a 'vehicle pre-journey risk assessment'.
It is feared lives may be lost as vital minutes could be taken up with the assessments just as rescuers are preparing their response to emergency callouts.
Under the new rules, the teams have to take the time to answer four questions on the type of rescue and journey they are about to undertake.
All 400 of Britain's rescue units have been told that before they travel to an accident scene they must complete a 'vehicle pre-journey risk assessment'.
It is feared lives may be lost as vital minutes could be taken up with the assessments just as rescuers are preparing their response to emergency callouts.
Under the new rules, the teams have to take the time to answer four questions on the type of rescue and journey they are about to undertake.
Face scanners to be introduced in British schools

Face scanners to speed up pupil registration and queues for lunches were helping to create a Big Brother regime in schools, it was claimed yesterday.
Infra-red recognition systems - similar to those introduced at passport controls - are able to scan children's faces as they approach the school entrance.
They can also recognise them as they buy dinners or borrow library books.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Mannen met 1 miljard aan vals geld opgepakt
De Oostenrijkse politie heeft twee Duitsers opgepakt, die in het bezit waren van valse dollarbiljetten en certificaten met een waarde van in totaal ruim 1 miljard euro. De politie vermoedt dat de twee voor een Nederlandse geldwisselaar werkten.
Dat heeft de politie donderdag laten weten. De mannen probeerden bij een bank in het westelijke Kleinwalsertal een krediet van 100 miljoen euro los te krijgen. Ze boden als garantie vals geld en certificaten met een waarde van 200 miljoen euro aan.
Dat heeft de politie donderdag laten weten. De mannen probeerden bij een bank in het westelijke Kleinwalsertal een krediet van 100 miljoen euro los te krijgen. Ze boden als garantie vals geld en certificaten met een waarde van 200 miljoen euro aan.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Jon Favreau (speechwriter)
Jon Favreau (born June 6, 1981)has been named to serve in President Barack Obama's White House as Director of Speechwriting.Previously, he was the chief speechwriter for Obama's 2008 campaign for President of the United States. He is the second youngest chief White House speechwriter on record.
Mobieltjes Samsung terug wegens straling
di 20 jan 2009, 14:32
DELFT - Samsung ruilt 140.000 gratis verstrekte mobieltjes om voor nieuwe exemplaren. Het gaat om telefoontjes die vanaf 1 september via een actie van Telfort, ING/Postbank en De Telegraaf zijn verspreid. Samsung heeft tot de grote omruiloperatie besloten omdat enkele toestellen mogelijk te veel straling geven.
Het bedrijf heeft alle betrokkenen, voor het merendeel klanten van de Postbank, een brief gestuurd. Daarin zit een envelop waarmee ze hun mobieltje kunnen terugsturen. „De mensen krijgen ter compensatie van het ongemak een wat beter toestel kosteloos retour”, aldus een woordvoerder van Samsung Electronics Benelux.
Het Agentschap Telecom heeft geconstateerd dat een beperkt aantal telefoons van het type SGH-C450 mogelijk niet aan de stralingsnorm voldoet. Op een speciaal informatienummer dat Samsung heeft ingesteld, zijn volgens de zegsman tot nog toe nauwelijk verontruste telefoontjes van klanten binnengekomen.
Samsung wil niet kwijt hoeveel de omruilactie gaat kosten. De Consumentenbond vindt het goed dat het bedrijf zijn verantwoordelijkheid neemt.,1
DELFT - Samsung ruilt 140.000 gratis verstrekte mobieltjes om voor nieuwe exemplaren. Het gaat om telefoontjes die vanaf 1 september via een actie van Telfort, ING/Postbank en De Telegraaf zijn verspreid. Samsung heeft tot de grote omruiloperatie besloten omdat enkele toestellen mogelijk te veel straling geven.
Het bedrijf heeft alle betrokkenen, voor het merendeel klanten van de Postbank, een brief gestuurd. Daarin zit een envelop waarmee ze hun mobieltje kunnen terugsturen. „De mensen krijgen ter compensatie van het ongemak een wat beter toestel kosteloos retour”, aldus een woordvoerder van Samsung Electronics Benelux.
Het Agentschap Telecom heeft geconstateerd dat een beperkt aantal telefoons van het type SGH-C450 mogelijk niet aan de stralingsnorm voldoet. Op een speciaal informatienummer dat Samsung heeft ingesteld, zijn volgens de zegsman tot nog toe nauwelijk verontruste telefoontjes van klanten binnengekomen.
Samsung wil niet kwijt hoeveel de omruilactie gaat kosten. De Consumentenbond vindt het goed dat het bedrijf zijn verantwoordelijkheid neemt.,1
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Transcendence - Religion
In religion, transcendence is a condition or state of being that surpasses physical existence, and in one form is also independent of it. .
Many faiths in this world,
These faiths/religions are different *paths/roads*, all leading to the same destination....
Faith's importance is in what it points us towards,
which is to that ultimate, that which is so much more,
Call this god or lord or alah or whatever you may, or define it how you wish in any way you wish, no matter how elaborate the definition or how powerful the name, these will surely all fall short by light years in revealing it's truth...
The shortsightedness of man causes him to sway from these paths... not by committing sins or desecration of holy items...he sways off path when he falls in love with the path and ends up loosing sight of the destination...
He then begins feeling proud about his chosen path, he loves this road and pays tributes and respect to it.
He fights , with those lost on other paths about which path is the right one
This pride and this ever lasting war distances man even further from the intended destination...
Maybe this is the biggest trick the devil ever pulled
Many faiths in this world,
These faiths/religions are different *paths/roads*, all leading to the same destination....
Faith's importance is in what it points us towards,
which is to that ultimate, that which is so much more,
Call this god or lord or alah or whatever you may, or define it how you wish in any way you wish, no matter how elaborate the definition or how powerful the name, these will surely all fall short by light years in revealing it's truth...
The shortsightedness of man causes him to sway from these paths... not by committing sins or desecration of holy items...he sways off path when he falls in love with the path and ends up loosing sight of the destination...
He then begins feeling proud about his chosen path, he loves this road and pays tributes and respect to it.
He fights , with those lost on other paths about which path is the right one
This pride and this ever lasting war distances man even further from the intended destination...
Maybe this is the biggest trick the devil ever pulled
Monday, January 19, 2009
FDA, CDC: Don't Eat Peanut Butter Products
FDA, CDC: Don't Eat Peanut Butter Products
FDA and CDC Issue Precautionary Advice Pending Salmonella Outbreak Investigation
By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Jan. 17, 2009 -- The FDA and CDC are recommending that consumers not eat products containing peanut butter (such as cookies, crackers, cereal, candy, and ice cream) until information becomes available about whether those products are linked to an ongoing salmonella outbreak that may have contributed to six deaths.
At least 474 people in 43 states have been sickened by the outbreak strain of Salmonella typhimurium. Peanut butter has been associated with the outbreak. Peanut butter and peanut paste made by the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) at a facility in Blakely, Ga., have already been recalled in the wake of the outbreak.
Update on FDA's Investigation
January 18, 2009: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is conducting a very active and dynamic investigation into the source of the Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak. At this time, the FDA has traced a source of Salmonella Typhimurium contamination to a plant owned by Peanut Corporation of America (PCA), which manufactures both peanut butter that is institutionally served in such settings as long-term care facilities and cafeterias, and peanut paste—a concentrated product consisting of ground, roasted peanuts—that is distributed to food manufacturers to be used as an ingredient in many commercially produced products including cakes, cookies, crackers, candies, cereal and ice cream.
The FDA has notified PCA that product samples originating from its Blakely, Ga., processing plant have been tested and found positive for Salmonella by laboratories in the states of Minnesota and Georgia. The state of Minnesota has reported to FDA that its samples of King Nut peanut butter are a genetic match to the strain of Salmonella that has caused illnesses in that state and around the country. King Nut is a distributor of PCA product.
FDA and CDC Issue Precautionary Advice Pending Salmonella Outbreak Investigation
By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Jan. 17, 2009 -- The FDA and CDC are recommending that consumers not eat products containing peanut butter (such as cookies, crackers, cereal, candy, and ice cream) until information becomes available about whether those products are linked to an ongoing salmonella outbreak that may have contributed to six deaths.
At least 474 people in 43 states have been sickened by the outbreak strain of Salmonella typhimurium. Peanut butter has been associated with the outbreak. Peanut butter and peanut paste made by the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) at a facility in Blakely, Ga., have already been recalled in the wake of the outbreak.
Update on FDA's Investigation
January 18, 2009: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is conducting a very active and dynamic investigation into the source of the Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak. At this time, the FDA has traced a source of Salmonella Typhimurium contamination to a plant owned by Peanut Corporation of America (PCA), which manufactures both peanut butter that is institutionally served in such settings as long-term care facilities and cafeterias, and peanut paste—a concentrated product consisting of ground, roasted peanuts—that is distributed to food manufacturers to be used as an ingredient in many commercially produced products including cakes, cookies, crackers, candies, cereal and ice cream.
The FDA has notified PCA that product samples originating from its Blakely, Ga., processing plant have been tested and found positive for Salmonella by laboratories in the states of Minnesota and Georgia. The state of Minnesota has reported to FDA that its samples of King Nut peanut butter are a genetic match to the strain of Salmonella that has caused illnesses in that state and around the country. King Nut is a distributor of PCA product.
Global systemic crisis – New tipping-point in March 2009: 'When the world becomes aware that this crisis is worse than the 1930s crisis'
LEAP/E2020 anticipates than the unfolding global systemic crisis will experience in March 2009 a new tipping point of similar magnitude to the September 2008 one. According to our team, at that period of the year, the general public will become aware of three major destabilizing processes at work in the global economy, i.e.:
• the length of the crisis
• the explosion of unemployment worldwide
• the risk of sudden collapse of all capital-based pension systems
A whole range of psychological factors will contribute to this tipping point: general awareness in Europe, America and Asia that the crisis has escaped from the control of every public authority, whether national or international; that it is severely affecting all regions of the world, even if some are more affected than others (see GEAB N°28); that it is directly hitting hundreds of millions of people in the “developed” world; and that it is only worsening as its consequences reveal throughout the real economy. National governments and international institutions only have three months left to prepare themselves to the next blow, one that could go along severe risks of social chaos. The countries which are not properly equipped to cope with a surge in unemployment and major risks on pensions will be seriously destabilized by this new public awareness.!-Global-systemic-crisis-New-tipping-point-in-March-2009-When-the-world-becomes-aware-that-this_a2567.html
• the length of the crisis
• the explosion of unemployment worldwide
• the risk of sudden collapse of all capital-based pension systems
A whole range of psychological factors will contribute to this tipping point: general awareness in Europe, America and Asia that the crisis has escaped from the control of every public authority, whether national or international; that it is severely affecting all regions of the world, even if some are more affected than others (see GEAB N°28); that it is directly hitting hundreds of millions of people in the “developed” world; and that it is only worsening as its consequences reveal throughout the real economy. National governments and international institutions only have three months left to prepare themselves to the next blow, one that could go along severe risks of social chaos. The countries which are not properly equipped to cope with a surge in unemployment and major risks on pensions will be seriously destabilized by this new public awareness.!-Global-systemic-crisis-New-tipping-point-in-March-2009-When-the-world-becomes-aware-that-this_a2567.html
Young 'pirates' receive millions from the state
The youth league of the Swedish branch of file-share and copyright reform advocacy group, the Pirate Party, has received millions of kronor in state support.
With 4,800 members, Ung Pirat (Young Pirates) claims to be Sweden's third largest youth organisation.
"It is truly gratifying and shows what we are achieving with our politics," said Ung Pirat chairperson Stefan Flod in a press release.
"It is surprising. Ung Pirat works in principle to encourage something illegal. That they then receive money from a state institution is remarkable," said Lars Gustafsson, CEO of record company sector organisation IFPI to
Ung Pirat has been awarded 1.3 million kronor ($159,000) by the National Board for Youth Affairs (Ungdomstyrelsen), a government agency. The sum has been calculated based on an official member estimation of 1,284 members.
With 4,800 members, Ung Pirat (Young Pirates) claims to be Sweden's third largest youth organisation.
"It is truly gratifying and shows what we are achieving with our politics," said Ung Pirat chairperson Stefan Flod in a press release.
"It is surprising. Ung Pirat works in principle to encourage something illegal. That they then receive money from a state institution is remarkable," said Lars Gustafsson, CEO of record company sector organisation IFPI to
Ung Pirat has been awarded 1.3 million kronor ($159,000) by the National Board for Youth Affairs (Ungdomstyrelsen), a government agency. The sum has been calculated based on an official member estimation of 1,284 members.
Martial Law, the Financial Bailout, and War
The Army’s New Role in 2001: Not Protecting American Society, but Controlling It
This new role for the Army is not wholly unprecedented. The U.S. military had been training troops and police in "civil disturbance planning" for the last three decades. The master plan, Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, or "Operation Garden Plot," was developed in 1968 in response to the major protests and disturbances of the 1960s.
The Intensive Quiet Preparations for Martial Law
Let us deal first with the preparations for martial law. On September 30, 2008, the Army Times announced the redeployment of an active Brigade Army Team from Iraq to America, in a new mission that “may become a permanent part of the active Army”:
The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle, helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys.
Now they’re training for the same mission — with a twist — at home.
Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks. . . . After 1st BCT finishes its dwell-time mission, expectations are that another, as yet unnamed, active-duty brigade will take over and that the mission will be a permanent one. . . .They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control.17
This new role for the Army is not wholly unprecedented. The U.S. military had been training troops and police in "civil disturbance planning" for the last three decades. The master plan, Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, or "Operation Garden Plot," was developed in 1968 in response to the major protests and disturbances of the 1960s.
The Intensive Quiet Preparations for Martial Law
Let us deal first with the preparations for martial law. On September 30, 2008, the Army Times announced the redeployment of an active Brigade Army Team from Iraq to America, in a new mission that “may become a permanent part of the active Army”:
The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle, helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys.
Now they’re training for the same mission — with a twist — at home.
Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks. . . . After 1st BCT finishes its dwell-time mission, expectations are that another, as yet unnamed, active-duty brigade will take over and that the mission will be a permanent one. . . .They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control.17
Eyes reveal health secrets of the brain

THE eyes may be the windows to the soul, but they also make pretty good peepholes into the brain. Thanks to an optical version of ultrasound, it is becoming possible to locate and monitor the growth of brain tumours, and to track neurodegenerative conditions like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease - all by peering into the eye.
The brain is connected to each eye by an optic nerve, so any degeneration of the brain caused by such diseases can also damage cells along the nerve and in the retina, says Helen Danesh-Meyer, an eye surgeon and neuro-ophthalmologist at the University of Auckland Medical School in New Zealand. Indeed, a loss of visual function is one of the first symptoms in many people with a neurodegenerative condition.
Although evidence of a link between degeneration of the optic nerve and diseases such as Alzheimer's has been around since the late 1980s, without instruments capable of measuring the retinal changes accurately it is only recently that this knowledge could be put to use, says Danesh-Meyer.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Full Moon Names for 2009
Full moon names date back to Native Americans, of what is now the northern and eastern United States. Those tribes of a few hundred years ago kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring full moon. Their names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred.
There were some variations in the moon names, but in general the same ones were current throughout the Algonquin tribes from New England on west to Lake Superior. European settlers followed their own customs and created some of their own names. Here is a listing of all of the full moon names, as well as the dates and times for 2009. Unless otherwise noted, all times are for the Eastern Time Zone.
Jan. 10, 10:27 p.m. EST -- Full Wolf Moon. Amid the zero cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. It was also known as the Old Moon or the moon after Yule. In some tribes this was the Full Snow Moon; most applied that name to the next moon. The moon will also be at perigee (its closest point to Earth) on this day, at 6:00 a.m. EST, at a distance of 222,138mi. (357,497 km.) from Earth. Very high ocean tides can be expected from the coincidence of perigee with full moon.
Feb. 9, 9:49 a.m. EST -- Full Snow Moon. Usually the heaviest snows fall in this month. Hunting becomes very difficult, and hence to some tribes this was the Full Hunger Moon.
Mar. 10, 10:38 p.m. EDT -- Full Worm Moon. In this month the ground softens and the earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of the robins. The more northern tribes knew this as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signals the end of winter, or the Full Crust Moon because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees, is another variation.
Apr. 9, 10:56 a.m. EDT -- Full Pink Moon. The grass pink or wild ground phlox is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. Other names were the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and -- among coastal tribes -- the Full Fish Moon, when the shad came upstream to spawn. This is also the Paschal Full Moon; the first full Moon of the spring season. The first Sunday following the Paschal Moon is Easter Sunday, which indeed will be observed three days later on Sunday, April 12.
May 9, 12:01 a.m. EDT -- Full Flower Moon. Flowers are abundant everywhere. It was also known as the Full Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon.
Jun. 7, 2:12 p.m. EDT -- Full Strawberry Moon. Known to every Algonquin tribe. Europeans called it the Rose Moon.
Jul. 7, 5:21 a.m. EDT -- Full Buck Moon, when the new antlers of buck deer push out from their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full Thunder Moon, thunderstorms being now most frequent. Sometimes this is also called the Full Hay Moon. Since the moon arrives at apogee less than 13 hours later, this will also be smallest full moon of 2009. In terms of apparent size, it will appear 12-percent smaller than the full moon of Jan. 10
Aug. 5, 8:55 p.m. EDT -- Full Sturgeon Moon, when this large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water like Lake Champlain is most readily caught. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon because the moon rises looking reddish through sultry haze, or the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.
Sep. 4, 12:03 a.m. EDT -- Full Corn Moon. Sometimes also called the Fruit Moon; such monikers were used for a full moon that occurs during the first week of September, so as to keep the Harvest Moon from coming too early in the calendar.
Oct. 4, 2:10 a.m. EDT -- Full Harvest Moon. Traditionally, this designation goes to the full moon that occurs closest to the Autumnal (fall) Equinox. The Harvest Moon usually comes in September, but sometimes it will fall in early October as is the case in 2009; the next time won't come until 2017. At the peak of the harvest, farmers can work into the night by the light of this moon. Usually the full moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night, but for the few nights around the Harvest Moon, the moon seems to rise at nearly the same time each night: just 25 to 30 minutes later across the U.S., and only 10 to 20 minutes later for much of Canada and Europe. Corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice -- the chief Indian staples -- are now ready for gathering.
Nov. 2, 2:14 p.m. EST -- Full Beaver Moon. Now it is time to set beaver traps before the swamps freeze to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Beaver Full Moon come from the fact that the beavers are now active in their preparation for winter. This is also called the Frosty Moon, and as this is also the next full moon after the Harvest Moon, it can also be referred to as the Hunters' Moon. With the leaves falling and the deer fattened, it is time to hunt. Since the fields have been reaped, hunters can ride over the stubble, and can more easily see the fox, also other animals, which have come out to glean and can be caught for a thanksgiving banquet after the harvest.
Dec. 2, 2:30 a.m. EST -- Full Cold Moon. December is usually considered the month that the winter cold begins to fasten its grip.
Dec. 31, 2:13 p.m. EST -- Full Long Night Moon. Nights are at their longest and darkest. The term Long Night Moon is a doubly appropriate name because the midwinter night is indeed long and the moon is above the horizon a long time. The midwinter full moon takes a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite to the low Sun. This is the second time the moon turns full in a calendar month, so it is also popularly known as a "Blue Moon." Full moons occur on average each 29.53 days (the length of the synodic month), or 12.3683 times per year; so months containing two full moons occur on average every 2.72 years, or every 2 years plus 8 or 9 months. There will be a partial lunar eclipse that will be visible from Europe, Africa and Asia with this full moon. At its maximum 7.6-percent of the moon's diameter will become immersed in the Earth's dark umbral shadow.
There were some variations in the moon names, but in general the same ones were current throughout the Algonquin tribes from New England on west to Lake Superior. European settlers followed their own customs and created some of their own names. Here is a listing of all of the full moon names, as well as the dates and times for 2009. Unless otherwise noted, all times are for the Eastern Time Zone.
Jan. 10, 10:27 p.m. EST -- Full Wolf Moon. Amid the zero cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. It was also known as the Old Moon or the moon after Yule. In some tribes this was the Full Snow Moon; most applied that name to the next moon. The moon will also be at perigee (its closest point to Earth) on this day, at 6:00 a.m. EST, at a distance of 222,138mi. (357,497 km.) from Earth. Very high ocean tides can be expected from the coincidence of perigee with full moon.
Feb. 9, 9:49 a.m. EST -- Full Snow Moon. Usually the heaviest snows fall in this month. Hunting becomes very difficult, and hence to some tribes this was the Full Hunger Moon.
Mar. 10, 10:38 p.m. EDT -- Full Worm Moon. In this month the ground softens and the earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of the robins. The more northern tribes knew this as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signals the end of winter, or the Full Crust Moon because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees, is another variation.
Apr. 9, 10:56 a.m. EDT -- Full Pink Moon. The grass pink or wild ground phlox is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. Other names were the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and -- among coastal tribes -- the Full Fish Moon, when the shad came upstream to spawn. This is also the Paschal Full Moon; the first full Moon of the spring season. The first Sunday following the Paschal Moon is Easter Sunday, which indeed will be observed three days later on Sunday, April 12.
May 9, 12:01 a.m. EDT -- Full Flower Moon. Flowers are abundant everywhere. It was also known as the Full Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon.
Jun. 7, 2:12 p.m. EDT -- Full Strawberry Moon. Known to every Algonquin tribe. Europeans called it the Rose Moon.
Jul. 7, 5:21 a.m. EDT -- Full Buck Moon, when the new antlers of buck deer push out from their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full Thunder Moon, thunderstorms being now most frequent. Sometimes this is also called the Full Hay Moon. Since the moon arrives at apogee less than 13 hours later, this will also be smallest full moon of 2009. In terms of apparent size, it will appear 12-percent smaller than the full moon of Jan. 10
Aug. 5, 8:55 p.m. EDT -- Full Sturgeon Moon, when this large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water like Lake Champlain is most readily caught. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon because the moon rises looking reddish through sultry haze, or the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.
Sep. 4, 12:03 a.m. EDT -- Full Corn Moon. Sometimes also called the Fruit Moon; such monikers were used for a full moon that occurs during the first week of September, so as to keep the Harvest Moon from coming too early in the calendar.
Oct. 4, 2:10 a.m. EDT -- Full Harvest Moon. Traditionally, this designation goes to the full moon that occurs closest to the Autumnal (fall) Equinox. The Harvest Moon usually comes in September, but sometimes it will fall in early October as is the case in 2009; the next time won't come until 2017. At the peak of the harvest, farmers can work into the night by the light of this moon. Usually the full moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night, but for the few nights around the Harvest Moon, the moon seems to rise at nearly the same time each night: just 25 to 30 minutes later across the U.S., and only 10 to 20 minutes later for much of Canada and Europe. Corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice -- the chief Indian staples -- are now ready for gathering.
Nov. 2, 2:14 p.m. EST -- Full Beaver Moon. Now it is time to set beaver traps before the swamps freeze to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Beaver Full Moon come from the fact that the beavers are now active in their preparation for winter. This is also called the Frosty Moon, and as this is also the next full moon after the Harvest Moon, it can also be referred to as the Hunters' Moon. With the leaves falling and the deer fattened, it is time to hunt. Since the fields have been reaped, hunters can ride over the stubble, and can more easily see the fox, also other animals, which have come out to glean and can be caught for a thanksgiving banquet after the harvest.
Dec. 2, 2:30 a.m. EST -- Full Cold Moon. December is usually considered the month that the winter cold begins to fasten its grip.
Dec. 31, 2:13 p.m. EST -- Full Long Night Moon. Nights are at their longest and darkest. The term Long Night Moon is a doubly appropriate name because the midwinter night is indeed long and the moon is above the horizon a long time. The midwinter full moon takes a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite to the low Sun. This is the second time the moon turns full in a calendar month, so it is also popularly known as a "Blue Moon." Full moons occur on average each 29.53 days (the length of the synodic month), or 12.3683 times per year; so months containing two full moons occur on average every 2.72 years, or every 2 years plus 8 or 9 months. There will be a partial lunar eclipse that will be visible from Europe, Africa and Asia with this full moon. At its maximum 7.6-percent of the moon's diameter will become immersed in the Earth's dark umbral shadow.
Franse kinderen mogen niet meer bellen met gsm
Frankrijk neemt maatregelen om kinderen te beschermen tegen gsm-straling.
De makers mogen hun producten er niet meer promoten bij kinderen van twaalf jaar of jonger, en verkopers mogen geen toestellen verkopen die bestemd zijn voor kinderen van zes jaar of jonger. Daarnaast wordt het ook verboden om gsm's te verkopen zonder een handsfree-set, en komen er stralingslimieten waar fabrikanten zich aan moeten houden.
Diverse onderzoeken tonen aan dat het langdurig gebruik van gsm's kankerverwekkend is. Kinderen zouden nog meer risico lopen omdat hun schedels nog groeien. (sam)
De makers mogen hun producten er niet meer promoten bij kinderen van twaalf jaar of jonger, en verkopers mogen geen toestellen verkopen die bestemd zijn voor kinderen van zes jaar of jonger. Daarnaast wordt het ook verboden om gsm's te verkopen zonder een handsfree-set, en komen er stralingslimieten waar fabrikanten zich aan moeten houden.
Diverse onderzoeken tonen aan dat het langdurig gebruik van gsm's kankerverwekkend is. Kinderen zouden nog meer risico lopen omdat hun schedels nog groeien. (sam)
1859 - Sep 2 - A great geomagnetic solar superstorm knocks out telegraph communication.
August 28 - September 2 - A great geomagnetic solar superstorm causes the Northern lights aurora to be visible as far south as Cuba and knocks out telegraph communication (also called the Carrington event).
One impact back then: A significant portion of the world's 140,000 miles of telegraph lines were unusable for a number of hours.
In scientific circles where solar flares, magnetic storms and other unique solar events are discussed, the occurrences of September 1-2, 1859, are the star stuff of legend. Even 144 years ago, many of Earth's inhabitants realized something momentous had just occurred. Within hours, telegraph wires in both the United States and Europe spontaneously shorted out, causing numerous fires, while the Northern Lights, solar-induced phenomena more closely associated with regions near Earth's North Pole, were documented as far south as Rome, Havana and Hawaii, with similar effects at the South Pole.
Statistical confidence level
Hypothetically thinking, Odenwald said, what about the scenario of an 1859-type superstorm taking place in 2012 at the peak of the next sunspot cycle?
Of the nearly 300 geosynchronous Earth-orbiting (GEO) satellites in operation, "such a storm may only actually kill a few dozen of the oldest systems, but will likely reduce the operating life of all the other satellites by 5 to 10 years," Odenwald said. "That would, in the long run, be a bigger economic catastrophe."
One impact back then: A significant portion of the world's 140,000 miles of telegraph lines were unusable for a number of hours.
In scientific circles where solar flares, magnetic storms and other unique solar events are discussed, the occurrences of September 1-2, 1859, are the star stuff of legend. Even 144 years ago, many of Earth's inhabitants realized something momentous had just occurred. Within hours, telegraph wires in both the United States and Europe spontaneously shorted out, causing numerous fires, while the Northern Lights, solar-induced phenomena more closely associated with regions near Earth's North Pole, were documented as far south as Rome, Havana and Hawaii, with similar effects at the South Pole.
Statistical confidence level
Hypothetically thinking, Odenwald said, what about the scenario of an 1859-type superstorm taking place in 2012 at the peak of the next sunspot cycle?
Of the nearly 300 geosynchronous Earth-orbiting (GEO) satellites in operation, "such a storm may only actually kill a few dozen of the oldest systems, but will likely reduce the operating life of all the other satellites by 5 to 10 years," Odenwald said. "That would, in the long run, be a bigger economic catastrophe."
Monday, January 12, 2009
tabletop exercises drill to be part of passing torch
WASHINGTON — What would happen if terrorists attacked the United States at the start of Barack Obama's presidency?
The Bush administration doesn't want to wait to find out. It's planning to test the incoming government's readiness next month in a series of tabletop exercises involving top Bush and Obama officials.
OBAMA TEAM: Obama's completed Cabinet a diverse mix
EMPLOYMENT: 330,000 applicants vie for administration jobs
Concerned about the first handoff of presidential power since Sept. 11, 2001, the White House also is preparing briefing books and office manuals designed to bring the incoming Obama administration up to speed in a hurry.
The Bush administration doesn't want to wait to find out. It's planning to test the incoming government's readiness next month in a series of tabletop exercises involving top Bush and Obama officials.
OBAMA TEAM: Obama's completed Cabinet a diverse mix
EMPLOYMENT: 330,000 applicants vie for administration jobs
Concerned about the first handoff of presidential power since Sept. 11, 2001, the White House also is preparing briefing books and office manuals designed to bring the incoming Obama administration up to speed in a hurry.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
European Leaders Call For New Global Order

he leaders of Germany and France along with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair have all called for a new global order in the wake of the financial crisis.
Blair, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy all made the tandem appeal at a conference in Paris on the future of capitalism.
"Perfecting" the Imperfect

The controllers' "perfection" of the world is nearing completion. They already have control over the planet's weather and crops with HAARP, scalar technology and GMO seeds. The metaphorical capstone will be added to the pyramid once humanity has been "pefected" with the emergence of the "New Man," which was frequently mentioned by the communists as being the peak of human evolution. However, this is to be an engineered evolution born in a laboratory and designed to serve its masters with total efficiency once the majority of the world's population, after serving its purpose, is eliminated to make way for the utopia of the chosen few.
Mind Control ;)
Zara Rabinowicz of Shiny Shiny shows how to elevate a ball using brainwaves.
Zara Rabinowicz of Shiny Shiny shows how to elevate a ball using brainwaves.
Web bot predictions for 2009
web bot overview:
2009 is the “Year of Transformation” Take a snapshot of where you were today and your life situation is likely to be significantly different by year end – to be changed
by this year’s pending events.
Possible economic collapse of USA due to additive impacts of the socioeconomic contract breakdown
* Housing bubble collapse
* Debt instrument bubble collapse
* Possible repudiation of the US dollar
* Global Coastal Event
* “Secrets revealed” start to pour out of NASA and political offices
* End of the ‘comfortable high tech/high consumption’ lifestyle and an involuntary return to lifestyle of previous generations
Future historians are likely to see ‘economic dislocations’ and a ‘fuzzy revolution’ as the highlights of the year. This will peak over what’s described as the ‘summer of hell’ globally.
* U.S. government will begin to collapse. Perhaps not in head count, but with revenues falling dramatically, 30-40% decreases in government size & services seem likely by year end.
* Two waves of ‘whistle-blowers’ are expected. The first as the Bush administration leaves office may focus on purported misdeeds/abuses while a second set of whistleblower cases is expected in the May-June period as massive change comes to NASA, JPL, and highly placed military personnel who may face job impacts due to the economy bouncing around
2009 is the “Year of Transformation” Take a snapshot of where you were today and your life situation is likely to be significantly different by year end – to be changed
by this year’s pending events.
Possible economic collapse of USA due to additive impacts of the socioeconomic contract breakdown
* Housing bubble collapse
* Debt instrument bubble collapse
* Possible repudiation of the US dollar
* Global Coastal Event
* “Secrets revealed” start to pour out of NASA and political offices
* End of the ‘comfortable high tech/high consumption’ lifestyle and an involuntary return to lifestyle of previous generations
Future historians are likely to see ‘economic dislocations’ and a ‘fuzzy revolution’ as the highlights of the year. This will peak over what’s described as the ‘summer of hell’ globally.
* U.S. government will begin to collapse. Perhaps not in head count, but with revenues falling dramatically, 30-40% decreases in government size & services seem likely by year end.
* Two waves of ‘whistle-blowers’ are expected. The first as the Bush administration leaves office may focus on purported misdeeds/abuses while a second set of whistleblower cases is expected in the May-June period as massive change comes to NASA, JPL, and highly placed military personnel who may face job impacts due to the economy bouncing around
Saturday, January 10, 2009
1992 explosion in Guadalajara

The 1992 explosion in Guadalajara, Mexico's second largest city, took place on April 22, 1992 in the downtown district of Analco. Numerous gasoline explosions in the sewer system over four hours destroyed kilometers of streets.[1] Gante Street was the most damaged. Officially, 206 people were killed, nearly 500 injured and 15,000 were left homeless. The estimated monetary damage ranges between $300 million and $1 billion. The affected areas can be recognized by the more modern architecture in the areas that were destroyed.[2]
Three days before the explosion, residents started complaining of a strong gasoline-like smell coming from the sewers. Some residents even found gasoline coming out of their water pipes. City workers were dispatched to check the sewers and found dangerously high levels of gasoline fumes. Unfortunately, the city mayor did not feel it was necessary to evacuate the city because he felt that there was no risk for an explosion.[3]
Friday, January 9, 2009
Breaking: Metro Subway (BART) Riots in Oakland, California
Riots happened in Downtown Oakland over the cause of an officer related shooting during late night New Years Day Service on the Metro. This happened at the Fruitvale Avenue BART Station on New Years Day. The man was not armed and video is now being shown on youtube. People are in fear of police retaliation based on these secrecy of coming out. Community Outrage is still continuing at this hour. The Metro Transit Police officer who shot the person quit the force this afternoon.
The Pyramid of Bosnia
The Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill, is the first European pyramid to be discovered and is located in the heart of Bosnia, in the town of Visoko. The pyramid has all the elements: four perfectly shaped slopes pointing toward the cardinal points, a flat top and an entrance complex. On top of the pyramid are also the ruins of a Medieval walled town, once the base of a Bosnian king Tvrtko of Kotromanic (1338-1391).
Because of its similarities to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, it has been named the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (Bosanska Piramida Sunca). There are also a four more ancient structures on the site, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon (Bosanska Piramida Mjeseca), Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon (Bosanska Piramida Zmaja), Bosnian Pyramid of the Love (Bosanska Piramida Ljubavi) and Temple of the Earth, (Hram Zemlje).
We have already dug out stone blocks which I believe are covering the pyramid, said Semir (Sam) Osmanagic, a Bosnian American archaeologist who has spent the last 15 years studying the pyramids of Latin America. We found a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels...
Because of its similarities to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, it has been named the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (Bosanska Piramida Sunca). There are also a four more ancient structures on the site, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon (Bosanska Piramida Mjeseca), Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon (Bosanska Piramida Zmaja), Bosnian Pyramid of the Love (Bosanska Piramida Ljubavi) and Temple of the Earth, (Hram Zemlje).
We have already dug out stone blocks which I believe are covering the pyramid, said Semir (Sam) Osmanagic, a Bosnian American archaeologist who has spent the last 15 years studying the pyramids of Latin America. We found a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels...
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days is an independent documentary film that chronicles six Americans with diabetes who switch to a diet consisting entirely of vegan, organic, uncooked food in order to reverse disease without pharmaceutical medication. The six are challenged to give up meat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, soda, junk food, fast food, processed food, packaged food, and even cooked food for 30 days. The film follows each participant's remarkable journey and captures the medical, physical, and emotional transformations brought on by this radical diet and lifestyle change. We witness moments of struggle, support, and hope as what is revealed, with startling clarity, is that diet can reverse disease and change lives.
The film highlights each of the six before they begin the program and we first meet them in their home environment with their families. Each participant speaks candidly about their struggle to manage their diabetes and how it has affected every aspect of their life, from work to home to their relationships.
The film highlights each of the six before they begin the program and we first meet them in their home environment with their families. Each participant speaks candidly about their struggle to manage their diabetes and how it has affected every aspect of their life, from work to home to their relationships.
Adolf Merkle

Adolf Merckle (March 18, 1934 – January 5, 2009) was a businessman, and one of the richest people in Germany.
Merckle was born in Dresden, Germany into a wealthy family. Most of his wealth came from inheritance. He developed his Bohemian grandfather's chemical wholesale company into Germany's largest pharmaceutical wholesaler, Phoenix Pharmahandel.
In 2007, he was worth 12.8 billion US Dollars by most estimates, and by December of 2008, he was still worth 9.2 billion dollars, a loss of 3.6 billion dollars.
Adolf Merckle committed suicide on January 5th, 2009, by throwing himself in front of a train near his hometown of Blaubeuren, Germany.
Russia is pushing for an October launch to Mars.

Russia is pushing forward on a robotic mission to Mars dubbed Phobos-Grunt - now seemingly on a countdown clock that ticks away for an October launch.
If the project is on track and off the ground by that time, Phobos-Grunt would arrive at the red planet in August of next year.
The project also includes deployment of a Chinese sub-satellite -Yinghuo-1 meaning "Firefly-1" - that will gauge the Martian past in terms of how surface water on the red planet did a disappearing act.
Phobos-Grunt is intended also to cast an orbital eye on Mars too, but then plop down on Phobos - one of that planet's two moons, scrape up on-the-spot samples and then transport those extraterrestrial tidbits to Earth in July 2012. As it swoops by Earth, the spacecraft is to release a capsule containing all the samples gathered on Phobos, to land on Earth.
Extinct animals could be brought back to life thanks to advances in DNA technology

The idea of resurrecting extinct animals moved a step closer to reality last year when scientists announced that they had decoded almost all of the genome of the woolly mammoth, from 60,000-year-old remains found frozen in Siberia.
Now New Scientist magazine has named the 10 other beasts most likely to rise again, including the Irish elk deer whose antlers measured 12 feet across, the dodo and Neanderthal man.
Animals that died out thousands of years ago could be recreated using genetic information retrieved from well-preserved specimens recovered from permafrost, dark caves or dry desserts.
Large Hadron Collider prepared for June restart
Work on the broken "Big Bang" machine will be stepped up in the new year with the aim of getting the £4 billion atom-smasher re-started in June.
The Large Hadron Collider suffered a catastrophic malfunction soon after being switched on amid a fanfare of publicity last September.
A faulty electrical connection led to a leak of super-cold helium causing damage estimated at £20 million.
As a result, 53 of the magnets used to accelerate sub-atomic particles around the machine's 17-mile underground tunnel have had to be brought to the surface for repair or cleaning.
The Large Hadron Collider suffered a catastrophic malfunction soon after being switched on amid a fanfare of publicity last September.
A faulty electrical connection led to a leak of super-cold helium causing damage estimated at £20 million.
As a result, 53 of the magnets used to accelerate sub-atomic particles around the machine's 17-mile underground tunnel have had to be brought to the surface for repair or cleaning.
Danger ahead as the Sun goes quiet

THE sun's ability to shield the solar system from harmful cosmic rays could falter in the early 2020s, just in time to threaten the health of NASA astronauts as they return to the moon.
As well as the 11-year cycle of sunspots and solar flares, the sun's activity experiences longer-term shifts lasting several decades. The sun is currently in a long-term high, having been relatively active for nearly a century, but it is not known when this will end.
To find out, a team led by Jose Abreu of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology in Duebendorf analysed 66 long-term highs from the past 10,000 years, as recorded in fluctuating levels of rare isotopes such as beryllium-10 in ice cores from Greenland. These are produced when cosmic rays break down the nuclei of oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the Earth's atmosphere. Production of these isotopes peaks when the sun is inactive, as the weaker solar wind lets more cosmic rays enter the solar system, which hit the Earth.
Based on the duration of past highs, and the fact that the current one has already lasted 80 years, the team has calculated that its most likely total lifetime is between 95 and 116 years, and they suspect the high will probably end at the shorter end of this range
Perfect Sun Storm Could be Catastrophic on Earth, Study Concludes

07 January 2009
09:03 am ET
A new study from the National Academy of Sciences outlines grim possibilities on Earth for a worst-case scenario solar storm.
Damage to power grids and other communications systems could be catastrophic, the scientists conclude, with effects leading to a potential loss of governmental control of the situation.
The prediction is based in part on major solar storm in 1859 caused telegraph wires to short out in the United States and Europe, igniting widespread fires. It was perhaps the worst in the past 200 years, according to the new study, and with the advent of modern power grids and satellites, much more is at risk.
"A contemporary repetition of the [1859] event would cause significantly more extensive (and possibly catastrophic) social and economic disruptions," the researchers conclude.
'Command and control might be lost'
When the sun is in the active phase of its 11-year cycle, it can unleash powerful magnetic storms that disable satellites, threaten astronaut safety, and even disrupt communication systems on Earth. The worst storms can knock out power grids by inducing currents that melt transformers.
Cell phone radiation levels

10 lowest-radiation cell phones (United States)
Manufacturer and model SAR level(digital)
1 Motorola Razr V3x 0.14
2 HTC Fuze 0.159
3 Eternity SGH-A867 0.194
4 Samsung SGH-G800 0.23
5 Samsung Soul 0.24
6 Samsung Innov8 0.287
7 Motorola Razr2 V8 0.36
8 Samsung SGH-T229 0.383
9 Nokia 6263 0.43
10 Samsung SGH-i450 0.457
10 highest-radiation cell phones (United States)
Manufacturer and model SAR level(digital)
1 Motorola ZN5 1.59
2 Motorola VU204 1.55
3 Motorola W385 1.54
3a RIM BlackBerry Curve 8330 (Sprint) 1.54
3b RIM BlackBerry Curve 8330 (U.S. Cellular) 1.54
3c RIM BlackBerry Curve 8330 (Verizon Wireless) 1.54
7 Motorola Deluxe ic902 1.53
7a T-Mobile Shadow (HTC) 1.53
7b Motorola i335 1.53
10 Pantech Matrix 1.52
Study: Cell phones cause heart disease, kidney failure

Tuesday, December 30th 2008, 10:33 AM
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What would you do without your cell phone?! Well, you might be a bit healthier sans phone, according to a new study.
The European Research Institute for Electronic Components in Bucharest found that cell phones may lead to heart disease and kidney stones, according to
How is this possible? The study found that cell phones emit radiation, which causes red blood cells to leak hemoglobin, according to The hemoglobin then accumulates in the body, which can lead to health complications including heart disease or kidney stones.
Fanta: with 300 times more pesticide than allowed

Fizzy drinks sold by Coca-Cola in Britain have been found to contain pesticides at up to 300 times the level allowed in tap or bottled water.
A worldwide study found pesticide levels in orange and lemon drinks sold under the Fanta brand, which is popular with children, were at their highest in the UK.
The research team called on the Government, the industry and the company to act to remove the chemicals and called for new safety standards to regulate the soft drinks market.
The industry denies children are at risk and insists that the levels found by researchers based at the University of Jaen in southern Spain are not harmful.
New law restricts re-sale of kid's products

02:20 PM CST on Thursday, January 8, 2009
Federal officials have clarified a new federal law that raised concerns and questions nationwide and in Austin about which used clothing and toys will soon be illegal to sell.
Also Online
Terri Gruca's consumer blog
A new law which takes effect next month requires testing for lead and other chemicals on any kid products made before February 10th.
Members of the Consumer Product Safety Commission tentatively agreed that clothing and toys made from natural materials like cotton and wood will be exempt.
But most resale clothing and toys are not made of natural materials--which could still create problems for resale shops.
Unprecedented Public Safety Plan for Obama Inauguration

Jan. 7, 2009
Virtually every major bridge heading into the nation's capital on Inauguration Day will be closed to vehicular traffic. In other words, unless they are on a bus or in an authorized vehicle, riders will be turned away by the police or the military.
Obama says the stimulus package won't be as big as some economists estimate.
That announcement came from the United States Secret Service, which is the organization tasked with handling security for the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States.
The reasons for all the controls over traffic became clear Wednesday night as ABC News learned of a new security bulletin regarding the inauguration.
Drug from genetically engineered goats a first

WASHINGTON (AP) - You've heard of making cheese from goats' milk, but prescription drugs? In what would be a scientific first, an anti-clotting drug made from the milk of genetically engineered goats moved closer to government approval Wednesday after experts at the Food and Drug Administration reported that the medication works and its safety is acceptable.
Called ATryn, the drug is intended to help people with a rare hereditary disorder that makes them vulnerable to life-threatening blood clots
Barack Obama's 'Black Widow' : The Super Spy Computer
Sunday, 04 January 2009 22:37
'The NSA's colossal Cray supercomputer, code-named the 'Black Widow,' scans millions of domestic and international phone calls and e-mails every hour. . . . The Black Widow, performing hundreds of trillions of calculations per second, searches through and reassembles key words and patterns, across many languages.'
Barack Obama will be in charge of the biggest domestic and international spying operation in history. Its prime engine is the National Security Agency (NSA)—located and guarded at Fort Meade, Maryland, about 10 miles northeast of Washington, D.C. A brief glimpse of its ever-expanding capacity was provided on October 26 by The Baltimore Sun's national security correspondent, David Wood: "The NSA's colossal Cray supercomputer, code-named the 'Black Widow,' scans millions of domestic and international phone calls and e-mails every hour. . . . The Black Widow, performing hundreds of trillions of calculations per second, searches through and reassembles key words and patterns, across many languages."
'The NSA's colossal Cray supercomputer, code-named the 'Black Widow,' scans millions of domestic and international phone calls and e-mails every hour. . . . The Black Widow, performing hundreds of trillions of calculations per second, searches through and reassembles key words and patterns, across many languages.'
Barack Obama will be in charge of the biggest domestic and international spying operation in history. Its prime engine is the National Security Agency (NSA)—located and guarded at Fort Meade, Maryland, about 10 miles northeast of Washington, D.C. A brief glimpse of its ever-expanding capacity was provided on October 26 by The Baltimore Sun's national security correspondent, David Wood: "The NSA's colossal Cray supercomputer, code-named the 'Black Widow,' scans millions of domestic and international phone calls and e-mails every hour. . . . The Black Widow, performing hundreds of trillions of calculations per second, searches through and reassembles key words and patterns, across many languages."
Thursday, January 8, 2009
George W. Bush's last day in office
George W. Bush's last day in office is January 20, 2009
Bush: Terrorists May Attack During Transition
Biden forecast a major international crisis in the first six months of an Obama administration.
Barack Obama Coming Crisis Test January 21st 22nd
Bush: Terrorists May Attack During Transition
Biden forecast a major international crisis in the first six months of an Obama administration.
Barack Obama Coming Crisis Test January 21st 22nd
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
David Icke Brixton Acadamy DVD2
David Icke Brixton Acadamy DVD2 Part1
I'll do whatever you say officer, just dont tase me....
"Some idiot in a uniform"
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
'Targeted Audio' Used In The AE 'Paranormal States' Billboard

A lot's been made about the new billboard for the show "Paranormal State" on A&E Network that uses "targeted audio" to transmit the commercial in a way that sounds as if it's coming from inside your head.
As Gawker writes:
The billboard says 73% of Americans believe and I'm assuming that that means 73% of Americans believe in ghosts. So if that's true, why try to convert the skeptical/not crazy 27% by beaming voices into their heads? That's just greedy. Also it leads to a lingering sense of serious mental violation. How soon will it be until in addition to the Do Not Call list, we'll have a Do Not Beam Commercial Messages Into My Head list?
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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