Thursday, December 5, 2013
Mice Inherit the Fears of Their Fathers
how, exactly, does a parent’s stress leave such a deep impression on its progeny?
Part of it is nurture. A parent’s sadness and stress naturally affects how they interact with other people, including their children. The Holocaust study, in fact, found that the survivors with PTSD tended to emotionally abuse or neglect their children. And we know from some remarkable experiments in rats that parental care affects the offspring’s genes: Rat pups that get a lot of licking and grooming from their mothers show distinct changes in their epigenome, the chemical markers that attach to DNA and can turn genes on and off. Neglected pups, in contrast, don’t show these epigenetic tweaks.
Now a fascinating new study reveals that it’s not just nurture. Traumatic experiences can actually work themselves into the germ line. When a male mouse becomes afraid of a specific smell, this fear is somehow transmitted into his sperm, the study found. His pups will also be afraid of the odor, and will pass that fear down to their pups.
Part of it is nurture. A parent’s sadness and stress naturally affects how they interact with other people, including their children. The Holocaust study, in fact, found that the survivors with PTSD tended to emotionally abuse or neglect their children. And we know from some remarkable experiments in rats that parental care affects the offspring’s genes: Rat pups that get a lot of licking and grooming from their mothers show distinct changes in their epigenome, the chemical markers that attach to DNA and can turn genes on and off. Neglected pups, in contrast, don’t show these epigenetic tweaks.
Now a fascinating new study reveals that it’s not just nurture. Traumatic experiences can actually work themselves into the germ line. When a male mouse becomes afraid of a specific smell, this fear is somehow transmitted into his sperm, the study found. His pups will also be afraid of the odor, and will pass that fear down to their pups.
Hollywood producer reveals his double life as an arms dealer and Israeli spy
Arnon Milchan, the Israeli producer
of smash hits including Fight Club and Pretty Woman, is opening up for
the first time ever in an Israeli TV show on Monday to speak about his
involvement in clandestine deals to acquire arms for Israel and his work
to promote the country's alleged nuclear program.
Russell Crowe, Robert De Niro, Ben Affleck and other major Hollywood players are also featured in the controversial report to be aired on Israel’s Channel 2.
Russell Crowe, Robert De Niro, Ben Affleck and other major Hollywood players are also featured in the controversial report to be aired on Israel’s Channel 2.

Casual sex linked to depression and suicidal thoughts
Casual sex can make you depressed and can even lead to thoughts of suicide, a
new study suggests.
Researchers interviewed around 10,000 people and found that teenagers with
depressive symptoms were more likely to engage in casual sex.
These same people were more likely to seriously consider suicide later in
life, according to the study.
Dr Sara Sandberg-Thoma, of Ohio State University and lead author of the study,
said: "Several studies have found a link between poor mental health and
casual sex, but the nature of that association has been unclear.
"There's always been a question about which one is the cause and which is the
This study provides evidence that poor mental health can lead to casual sex,
but also that casual sex leads to additional declines in mental health."
Immunology: The pursuit of happiness
In 1964, magazine editor Norman Cousins was diagnosed with ankylosing
spondylitis, a life-threatening autoimmune disease, and given a 1 in
500 chance of recovery. Cousins rejected his doctors' prognosis and
embarked on his own programme of happiness therapy, including regular
doses of Marx Brothers films, and credited it with triggering a dramatic
recovery. He later established the Cousins Center, which is dedicated
to investigating whether psychological factors really can keep people
At the time, mainstream science rejected the idea that any psychological state, positive or negative, could affect physical well-being. But studies during the 1980s and early 1990s revealed that the brain is directly wired to the immune system — portions of the nervous system connect with immune-related organs such as the thymus and bone marrow, and immune cells have receptors for neurotransmitters, suggesting that there is crosstalk.
At the time, mainstream science rejected the idea that any psychological state, positive or negative, could affect physical well-being. But studies during the 1980s and early 1990s revealed that the brain is directly wired to the immune system — portions of the nervous system connect with immune-related organs such as the thymus and bone marrow, and immune cells have receptors for neurotransmitters, suggesting that there is crosstalk.
Cloud seeding
Cloud seeding, a form of intentional weather modification, is the attempt to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds, by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei,
which alter the microphysical processes within the cloud. The usual
intent is to increase precipitation (rain or snow), but hail and fog
suppression are also widely practiced in airports.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Necromancy /ˈnɛkrɵˌmænsi/ is a form of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination,
imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden
knowledge. The term may sometimes be used in a more general sense to
refer to black magic or witchcraft.[1][2]
The word "necromancy" is adapted from Late Latin necromantia, itself borrowed from post-Classical Greek νεκρομαντεία (nekromanteía), a compound of Ancient Greek νεκρός (nekrós), "dead body", and μαντεία (manteía), "prophecy or divination"; this compound form was first used by Origen of Alexandria in the 3rd century CE.[3] The Classical Greek term was ἡ νέκυια (nekyia), from the episode of the Odyssey in which Odysseus visits the realm of the dead, νεκυομαντεία in Hellenistic Greek, rendered as necyomantīa in Latin, and as necyomancy in 17th-century English.[4]
The word "necromancy" is adapted from Late Latin necromantia, itself borrowed from post-Classical Greek νεκρομαντεία (nekromanteía), a compound of Ancient Greek νεκρός (nekrós), "dead body", and μαντεία (manteía), "prophecy or divination"; this compound form was first used by Origen of Alexandria in the 3rd century CE.[3] The Classical Greek term was ἡ νέκυια (nekyia), from the episode of the Odyssey in which Odysseus visits the realm of the dead, νεκυομαντεία in Hellenistic Greek, rendered as necyomantīa in Latin, and as necyomancy in 17th-century English.[4]

Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven
In comments likely to enhance his progressive reputation, Pope Francis has written a long, open letter to the founder of La Repubblica newspaper, Eugenio Scalfari, stating that non-believers would be forgiven by God if they followed their consciences.
Responding to a list of questions published in the paper by Mr Scalfari, who is not a Roman Catholic, Francis wrote: “You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith. I start by saying – and this is the fundamental thing – that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience.
“Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience.”
Responding to a list of questions published in the paper by Mr Scalfari, who is not a Roman Catholic, Francis wrote: “You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith. I start by saying – and this is the fundamental thing – that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience.
“Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience.”
The term clairvoyance (from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance
meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain information
about an object, person, location or physical event through means other
than the known human senses,[1][2] i.e., a form of extra-sensory perception. A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant ("one who sees clearly").
Claims for the existence of paranormal and psychic abilities such as clairvoyance have not been supported by scientific evidence published in high impact factor peer reviewed journals.[3] Parapsychology explores this possibility, but the existence of the paranormal is not accepted by the scientific community.[4] Parapsychology, including the study of clairvoyance, is an example of pseudoscience.[5][6][7][8]
Claims for the existence of paranormal and psychic abilities such as clairvoyance have not been supported by scientific evidence published in high impact factor peer reviewed journals.[3] Parapsychology explores this possibility, but the existence of the paranormal is not accepted by the scientific community.[4] Parapsychology, including the study of clairvoyance, is an example of pseudoscience.[5][6][7][8]
Dyatlov Pass incident
he Dyatlov Pass incident generally refers to the mysterious deaths of nine ski hikers in the northern Ural mountains on the night of February 2, 1959. The incident happened on the east shoulder of the mountain Kholat Syakhl (Холат-Сяхыл) (a Mansi name, meaning Dead Mountain due to lack of game, not "Mountain of the Dead" as some suggest). The mountain pass where the incident occurred has since been named Dyatlov Pass (Перевал Дятлова) after the group's leader, Igor Dyatlov (Игорь Дятлов).
Miniature 'human brain' grown in lab
Miniature "human brains"
have been grown in a lab in a feat scientists hope will transform the
understanding of neurological disorders.
The pea-sized structures reached the same level of development as in a nine-week-old foetus, but are incapable of thought.
U.S. No Charges for Texas Father Who Beat to Death Daughter's Molester
A Texas rancher who beat his daughter's accused molester to death
moments after he discovered the man raping the 5-year-old girl, will not
be charged with his homicide, officials said, as they released chilling
911 tapes of the father calling for help as the other man died.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
98 million Americans were given polio vaccine contaminated with cancer-causing virus, admits CDC
The information was posted on an official CDC fact sheet entitled Cancer, Simian Virus 40 (SV40), and Polio Vaccine, which has since been removed from the CDC's website. Fortunately,
was able to archive the damning page before the CDC ultimately removed
it, presumably because SV40 has been receiving considerable attention
lately due to its connection to causing cancer.
You can view the link to the original CDC page on SV40 and polio vaccines, which is no longer active, here:
You can view the full archived CDC page here:
You can view the link to the original CDC page on SV40 and polio vaccines, which is no longer active, here:
You can view the full archived CDC page here:
Scientists give mice false memories
Scientists say they have,
for the first time, generated a false memory in an animal by
manipulating brain cells that encode that information. They published
their findings this week in the journal Science.
What's more, the
researchers say, the cellular events involved in the formation of a
false memory resemble what takes place in forming a real memory. This
jibes with the fact that humans who have false memories of events that
didn't happen firmly believe that those memories are real.
"We should continue to
remind society that memory can be very unreliable," said the study's
senior author, Susumu Tonegawa, director of the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics, a collaboration between institutions in Saitama, Japan, and Cambridge, Massachusetts.

User Passwords Visible On Chrome
If your default browser is Chrome and you save passwords try this little trick…
Enter “chrome://settings/passwords”
You’ll get this:
Enter “chrome://settings/passwords”
You’ll get this:
Now click that little blue button that says “Show”…SURPRISE! There’s your password in plain text for anyone to read.
if you leave your computer unguarded anyone can come along and get all
the user names and passwords to your favorite websites.
Cymothoa Exigua
Also called the "tongue-eating louse," this parasitic crustacean of the
family Cymothoidae enters fish through the gills, then attaches itself
at the base of the fish's tongue. Once there, it extracts blood through
its front claws, causing the tongue to atrophy from lack of blood, then
it replaces the fish's tongue by attaching its own body to the muscles
at the tongue's stub. They are supposedly not harmful to humans unless
picked up alive, in which case they can bite.
Robot Programmed to Fall in Love with a Girl Goes too Far
What they didn’t count on were the effects of several months of
self-iteration within the complex machine-learning code which gave Kenji
his first tenderness. As of last week, Kenji’s love for the doll, and
indeed anybody he sets his ‘eyes’ on, is so intense that Dr. Takahashi
and his team now fear to show him to outsiders.
The trouble all started when a young female intern began to spend several hours each day with Kenji, testing his systems and loading new software routines. When it came time to leave one evening, however, Kenji refused to let her out of his lab enclosure and used his bulky mechanical body to block her exit and hug her repeatedly. The intern was only able to escape after she had frantically phoned two senior staff members to come and temporarily de-activate Kenji.
The trouble all started when a young female intern began to spend several hours each day with Kenji, testing his systems and loading new software routines. When it came time to leave one evening, however, Kenji refused to let her out of his lab enclosure and used his bulky mechanical body to block her exit and hug her repeatedly. The intern was only able to escape after she had frantically phoned two senior staff members to come and temporarily de-activate Kenji.
Grandma's Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes
Darwin and Freud walk into a bar. Two alcoholic mice — a
mother and her son — sit on two bar stools, lapping gin from two
The mother mouse looks up and says, “Hey, geniuses, tell me how my son got into this sorry state.”
“Bad inheritance,” says Darwin.
“Bad mothering,” says Freud.
For over a hundred years, those two views — nature or
nurture, biology or psychology — offered opposing explanations for how
behaviors develop and persist, not only within a single individual but
across generations.
And then, in 1992, two young scientists following in
Freud’s and Darwin’s footsteps actually did walk into a bar. And by the
time they walked out, a few beers later, they had begun to forge a
revolutionary new synthesis of how life experiences could directly
affect your genes — and not only your own life experiences, but those of
your mother’s, grandmother’s and beyond...
Technology Preventing Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault
DrinkSavvy successfully raises $52,089 in less than 45 days at from 2582 individual contributors to help us perfect our prototype! Thank you to all who contributed and believe in our goal to prevent drug-facilitated sexual assault. You will forever be a part of what makes DrinkSavvy a success and should be proud!
We estimate DrinkSavvy cups/straws to be ready by around September 2013 to our generous contributors, and available to the public by around early to mid 2014. DrinkSavvy glassware to be available soon thereafter.
We estimate DrinkSavvy cups/straws to be ready by around September 2013 to our generous contributors, and available to the public by around early to mid 2014. DrinkSavvy glassware to be available soon thereafter.
Stroke patient who can’t feel sad: Condition leaves man permanently happy
Malcolm Myatt always looked on the bright side of
life. But the grandfather is now in a permanent state of happiness –
after a stroke left him unable to feel sadness.
The stroke interfered with the part of Mr Myatt’s brain that regulates emotional responses, leaving him liable to erupt in a fit of giggles at the most inappropriate of times.
He has sat through funerals smiling broadly or cracking jokes, and during meals out with wife his Kath, 63, he regularly attracts puzzled looks from fellow diners.
The stroke interfered with the part of Mr Myatt’s brain that regulates emotional responses, leaving him liable to erupt in a fit of giggles at the most inappropriate of times.
He has sat through funerals smiling broadly or cracking jokes, and during meals out with wife his Kath, 63, he regularly attracts puzzled looks from fellow diners.
BBC 'to hand 120 Jimmy Savile victims £33,000 compensation'
A compensation package worth £33,000
could be handed to 120 victims of disgraced TV presenter Jimmy Savile,
it has been reported.
The exact amount is expected to be finalised when high court judge Dame Janet Smith publishes the results of her inquiry, which is looking into the culture and practices at the BBC during the years of Savile’s abuse, later in the year.
It is believed the amount will be less than the £4.1million the corporation paid to its senior managers, swollen by controversial ‘golden goodbyes’ for bosses forced out over the handling of the Savile affair.
The exact amount is expected to be finalised when high court judge Dame Janet Smith publishes the results of her inquiry, which is looking into the culture and practices at the BBC during the years of Savile’s abuse, later in the year.
It is believed the amount will be less than the £4.1million the corporation paid to its senior managers, swollen by controversial ‘golden goodbyes’ for bosses forced out over the handling of the Savile affair.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
The top 6 regrets of the dying
1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I had not worked so hard.
3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish I had let myself be happier.
6. I wish I had saved more for retirement.
2. I wish I had not worked so hard.
3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish I had let myself be happier.
6. I wish I had saved more for retirement.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Army Demonstrates a Weapon That Shoots Laser-Guided Lightning Bolts
The Laser-Induced Plasma Channel (LIPC) can be used to destroy anything
that conducts electricity better than the air or ground surrounding it
(unexploded ordnance seems a good candidate here). It works off of some
pretty basic principles of physics, using a laser to carve an
electromagnetic path through the air that accommodates a high-voltage
beam. Create that path, crank up the voltage, and your target is toast.
Monday, June 24, 2013
’Ark’ 2.0: Largest Private Shelter on Earth Prepping Below Kansas Town

The ‘Ark’ is buried 130 feet below the Earth’s surface and carved out of a small mountain made of solid limestone. It’s the vision of Robert Vicino, founder of The Vivos Group, and will cater to “preparedness minded families” who prefer to sit out apocalyptic events in style. Whether this small Kansas town likes it or not, a bold new sanctuary for the end times has arrived.
Known locally to Atchison residents for years as “The Caves”, the site was originally under the control of the U.S. Government until recently. It was previously used as a high security storage facility for the US Army and Defense Department. One of the site’s landfills has a confirmed toxic leak, possibly from several years as an ammunition and missile silo. Its design is ideal for storage of highly classified Defense Department documents and files.
New study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures
What does this direct link stem from?
Over 80 percent of those who succumbed to certain types of cancer resided approximately a third of a mile away from one of the hundreds of cell phone antennae that populate the city.These cancers, primarily found in the prostate, breasts, lungs, kidneys, liver, are the ones associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Cat Robots
Thanks to the design of its legs, which faithfully mimic feline
morphology, EPFL's four-legged "cheetah-cub robot" shares the
advantages of its biological model: it is small, light and runs very
fast. In the long term, this type of machine, which is still in an
experimental stage, could be used in search and rescue missions or for
And now the DARPA version:
Cheetah Robot is a fast-running quadruped developed by Boston Dynamics with funding from DARPA. It just blazed past its previous speed record, getting up to 28.3 mph (45 kmh), about 0.5 mph faster than Usain Bolt's fastest 20 meter split. This version of the Cheetah Robot runs on a treadmill with offboard power. Testing on an untethered outdoor version starts early next year.
And now the DARPA version:
Cheetah Robot is a fast-running quadruped developed by Boston Dynamics with funding from DARPA. It just blazed past its previous speed record, getting up to 28.3 mph (45 kmh), about 0.5 mph faster than Usain Bolt's fastest 20 meter split. This version of the Cheetah Robot runs on a treadmill with offboard power. Testing on an untethered outdoor version starts early next year.
Police: Infant died after mother invited pedophile boyfriend to rape child :-(
A Missouri mother has been charged with child abuse and murder after
police said she let her boyfriend rape her 4-month-old infant, resulting
in the child’s death.
Prosecutors in St. Charles County on Monday released details about how 25-year-old Jessica Lynn Howell sent text messages to her boyfriend, Jordan Lafayette Prince, indicating that she was willing to let him have sex with her daughter even though she knew he had previously been convicted for sexual abuse of a minor.
“In those text messages, she suggested and encouraged some unspeakable things,” St. Charles Prosecuting Attorney Tim Lohmar told KTVI. “It is very, very disturbing.”
Prosecutors in St. Charles County on Monday released details about how 25-year-old Jessica Lynn Howell sent text messages to her boyfriend, Jordan Lafayette Prince, indicating that she was willing to let him have sex with her daughter even though she knew he had previously been convicted for sexual abuse of a minor.
“In those text messages, she suggested and encouraged some unspeakable things,” St. Charles Prosecuting Attorney Tim Lohmar told KTVI. “It is very, very disturbing.”
Deus ex machina
A deus ex machina (/ˈdeɪ.əs ɛks ˈmɑːkiːnə/ or /ˈdiːəs ɛks ˈmækɨnə/;[1] Latin: "god from the machine" pronounced [ˈdeus eks ˈmaː.kʰ]; plural: dei ex machina) is a plot device
whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly
resolved, with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new
event, character, ability, or object. Depending on how it is done, it
can be intended to move the story forward when the writer has "painted
himself into a corner" and sees no other way out, to surprise the
audience, to bring a happy ending into the tale, or as a comedic device.
Man accused of stabbing his father multiple times, then sawing off his own hands
In Shasta County, California, authorities say 27 year-old Jason Dunn stabbed his 59-year-old father multiple times with scissors then cut his own hands off with a radial saw. Police responded to the Dunn residence around 3:30 p.m. on Monday and discovered both men with visible injuries.
Naked cannibal killed by Miami police while chewing face of another man
A naked man has been shot and killed by police in Miami, Florida, while
eating the face of another naked man lying next to him on a freeway
off-ramp in a horrific incident described by one witness as ‘the most
gruesome thing I have ever seen in my life’.

Astonishing Vietnam War photos reveal the moment U.S. troops unleashed hell on Viet Cong sniper in hills above an Army camp
A Vietnam War veteran has released
incredible night-time photographs he took of American troops opening
fire on a Viet Cong sniper who had been firing on a U.S. Army camp.
For more than four decades, photographer James Speed Hensinger kept these incredible photographs to himself, not releasing them to the public until now.
Hensinger was just a 22-year-old paratrooper with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in April 1970 when a Viet Cong sniper began spraying automatic rifle fire on Hensinger's base in Phu Tai, near the coastal city of Da Nang.
For more than four decades, photographer James Speed Hensinger kept these incredible photographs to himself, not releasing them to the public until now.
Hensinger was just a 22-year-old paratrooper with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in April 1970 when a Viet Cong sniper began spraying automatic rifle fire on Hensinger's base in Phu Tai, near the coastal city of Da Nang.
For the first time, scientists can identify your emotions based on brain activity
Led by researchers in CMU's
Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the study had a
group of actors look at words like anger, disgust, envy, fear,
happiness, lust, pride, sadness and shame. As they did so, the actors
tried to bring themselves to this emotional state. Their brains were
monitored by fMRI and a computer modeled the results.
Based on these scans, the
computer model could then correctly guess the emotion of the actors when
they were shown a series of evocative photos. Each emotion essentially
had a neural signature. The patterns of brain activity the computer
learned were not limited to those individuals. Based on the scans of the
actor’s brains, the computer model could correctly identify the
emotions of a new test subject who had not participated in the earlier

Friday, June 14, 2013
Self-Charging Cell Phone Screens Coming Soon

Sunpartner isn’t the first to think mobile phones should use solar power to charge themselves. A few years ago, several cell phone manufacturers tried putting solar cells on the back of phones—like the Samsung Crest and the Sharp Solar Hybrid. Turns out, though, that people weren’t inclined to put phones face down on the table—they missed alerts, and were worried about scratching the screen. And solar cells on the back of cell phones never caught on widely.
Outnumbered by the girls, he's the last man standing

With the death in Barbados on Thursday of James Emmanuel ''Doc'' Sisnett, at the age of 113 years and 90 days, Jiroemon Kimura, of Japan, has become the last man alive to have been born in the 19th century.
Literally the last man. There are, according to the Gerontolgy Research Group at UCLA, 21 women born before New Year's Day, 1901, who are still with us, most of them living in the United States or Japan, with others in Europe and Canada.
Russian lawmakers pass anti-gay bill in 436-0 vote
MOSCOW (AP) — A bill that stigmatizes gay people and bans giving children any information about homosexuality won overwhelming approval Tuesday in Russia's lower house of parliament.
Hours before the State Duma passed the Kremlin-backed law in a 436-0 vote with one abstention, more than two dozen protesters were attacked by hundreds of anti-gay activists and then detained by police.
The bill banning the "propaganda
of nontraditional sexual relations" still needs to be passed by the
appointed upper house and signed into law by President Vladimir Putin, but neither step is in doubt.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Plasma in space experiment (English subtitles)
Scientists experiment with plasma in zero-gravity, vacuum conditions. Tiny particles are suspended in the plasma so the structure can be observed.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Latest Kinect sensors allow games to feed off your fear
The latest game spawned from the Alien film franchise is being
made by Creative Assembly, a game studio in Horsham, UK. It is likely to
be one of the first games to explore the potential of Microsoft's
next-generation Kinect sensors for the Xbox One games console. Announced
at the same time as the unveiling of the Xbox One last week, the new Kinect is a huge improvement on its predecessor (see "New wave").
It will have HD colour and infrared cameras that can see if your eyes
are open or closed in the dark. It will be able to detect your pulse
from fluctuations in skin tone and, by measuring how light reflects off
your face, it will know when you start to sweat.|NSNS|2012-GLOBAL|online-news|NSNS|2012-GLOBAL|online-news
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Xbox One: Constantly Listening.
During a PR move designed to make the Xbox One appear more
attractive, Microsoft’s hardware program manager, John Link, let slip
that a component bundled with the console, the Kinect, will contain a
microphone that never turns off.
The current version of the Kinect also contains a microphone but that can be switched off.
Speaking last night, Link said:
“The Kinect has a variety of settings. You know, it’s always available to the system, so … you can count, as an application developer
or a game developer, [that] everyone’s going to have a Kinect. You always have that stream available. And then, you know, there are settings,
obviously, in the console to be able to change the settings of how your Kinect is used, if you’re interested.
“It will be just listening enough to know that, ‘Hey, I heard something interesting. Somebody’s probably trying to wake me up.’ It sends it to the
console for confirmation, and then it can really power up to that high-power state.”
The current version of the Kinect also contains a microphone but that can be switched off.
Speaking last night, Link said:
“The Kinect has a variety of settings. You know, it’s always available to the system, so … you can count, as an application developer
or a game developer, [that] everyone’s going to have a Kinect. You always have that stream available. And then, you know, there are settings,
obviously, in the console to be able to change the settings of how your Kinect is used, if you’re interested.
“It will be just listening enough to know that, ‘Hey, I heard something interesting. Somebody’s probably trying to wake me up.’ It sends it to the
console for confirmation, and then it can really power up to that high-power state.”
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Yak Films
Los Rakas - Soy Raka - Feat. Turf Feinz Oakland
Turf Feinz - Dancing in the rain - Oakland Street
Les Twins - Phone Home
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Marijuana habit not linked to lung cancer
When compared with cannabis smokers who also used tobacco, habitual pot smokers had no significant increase in cancer risk.
In an analysis of marijuana smokers that excluded
tobacco smokers, there were no significant differences in any of the
comparisons, including habitual vs. nonhabitual use; number of joints
smoked per day; duration of up to 20 years or duration of more than 20
Other literature has shown a link between cannabis
smoking and lung cancer, pulmonologist Michael Alberts said in an
interview. However, he said, "The conventional wisdom is that cannabis
smoking is not as dangerous as cigarette smoking."
The difference in risk is likely related to chemical
additives in commercial cigarettes that aren’t present in most methods
of inhaling marijuana smoke.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Quote of the week
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the
key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be
when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand
the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”
John Lennon
John Lennon
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The TrackingPoint rifle
A new rifle goes on sale on Wednesday, and it's not like any other.
It uses lasers and computers to make shooters very accurate. A startup
gun company in Texas developed the rifle, which is so effective that
some in the shooting community say it should not be sold to the public.
It's called the TrackingPoint rifle. On a firing range just outside Austin in the city of Liberty Hill, a novice shooter holds one and takes aim at a target 500 yards away. Normally it takes years of practice to hit something at that distance. But this shooter nails it on the first try.
It's called the TrackingPoint rifle. On a firing range just outside Austin in the city of Liberty Hill, a novice shooter holds one and takes aim at a target 500 yards away. Normally it takes years of practice to hit something at that distance. But this shooter nails it on the first try.
Australian man dead for 40 minutes revived with new CPR machine AutoPulse
One of the lucky survivors was Colin Fiedler, 49, who was pronounced
dead at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Victoria, after suffering a
heart attack, The Herald Sun reported.
Doctors brought Fieldler back to life using a U.S.-made cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine called the “AutoPulse” to perform continuous chest compressions, and another machine to pump blood and oxygen to his brain and other vital organs...
Doctors brought Fieldler back to life using a U.S.-made cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine called the “AutoPulse” to perform continuous chest compressions, and another machine to pump blood and oxygen to his brain and other vital organs...
Friday, May 17, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Random Forum Greatness
Ever wonder why people who dated happily for 10 years, then decided to
get married, suddenly find themselves divorced shortly there after? This
is just one of many situations where accepting labels destroys us.
At any given time, we can do or be nearly anything we want. But as soon as a label is placed upon us and we accept it, it changes our perception on how things should be, and therefore how we act.
So we're branded with a label, for instance "husband". People who get married act the part, they play the role that they believe they should play. Where as while they were just dating there was no marriage label and therefore much less expectations. What is expected out of boyfriend, is not near what is expected out of a husband. What is expected of a private, is not near what is expected out of a General.
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At any given time, we can do or be nearly anything we want. But as soon as a label is placed upon us and we accept it, it changes our perception on how things should be, and therefore how we act.
So we're branded with a label, for instance "husband". People who get married act the part, they play the role that they believe they should play. Where as while they were just dating there was no marriage label and therefore much less expectations. What is expected out of boyfriend, is not near what is expected out of a husband. What is expected of a private, is not near what is expected out of a General.
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Sunday, May 5, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Google Glass: Let the evil commence

I wanted to know from Freeman if, once rooted, it is possible to programmatically disable the "recording LED indicator" on the device, so that one could stealthily record without any indication to the subject that they are being captured on-camera.
As it turns out, there is no such indicator light on the "Explorer" version of Google Glass that has recently shipped to the first generation of users and developers who were lucky enough to get their hands on the headset. Duh...
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Man Disarms Guy Pointing Shotgun at his Face
Moments later the victim was approached by two black males in the black
four door sedan (possibly a Honda Accord). The driver of the vehicle
said to the victim “give me my gun back and I’ll give you your phone
that you dropped”. The victim then used the shotgun to strike the rear
windshield of the vehicle causing it to break. The two subjects then
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Ordo Templi Orientis
Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) (Order of the Temple of the East or Order of Oriental Templars) is an international fraternal and religious organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century. English author and occultist Aleister Crowley has become the best-known member of the order.
Originally it was intended to be modelled after and associated with Freemasonry,[1] but under the leadership of Aleister Crowley, O.T.O. was reorganized around the Law of Thelema as its central religious principle. This Law—expressed as “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"[2] and "Love is the law, love under will”[3]—was promulgated in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law.
Similar to many secret societies, O.T.O. membership is based on an initiatory system with a series of degree ceremonies that use ritual drama to establish fraternal bonds and impart spiritual and philosophical teachings.
O.T.O. also includes the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (EGC) or Gnostic Catholic Church, which is the ecclesiastical arm of the Order. Its central rite, which is public, is called Liber XV, or the Gnostic Mass.
Originally it was intended to be modelled after and associated with Freemasonry,[1] but under the leadership of Aleister Crowley, O.T.O. was reorganized around the Law of Thelema as its central religious principle. This Law—expressed as “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"[2] and "Love is the law, love under will”[3]—was promulgated in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law.
Similar to many secret societies, O.T.O. membership is based on an initiatory system with a series of degree ceremonies that use ritual drama to establish fraternal bonds and impart spiritual and philosophical teachings.
O.T.O. also includes the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (EGC) or Gnostic Catholic Church, which is the ecclesiastical arm of the Order. Its central rite, which is public, is called Liber XV, or the Gnostic Mass.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
The world that only formerly-blind people can see
What happens when people first really look at the world? Generally, we
don’t know. They’re far too young to tell us what’s going on in their
mind. By the time children are old enough to articulate what they see,
they don’t remember what the world looked like in their first few weeks
of life. There are special occasions, though, when full-grown adults
can see for the first time. For the most part, they see a complete
confusion. Often, that does a lot of emotional damage...
Colorado’s first legal ‘420’ rally
DENVER, CO. - Ten years ago, Ken Gorman, the founder of Denver’s
annual “420 Rally,” stood inside the city’s Civic Center Park with about
a dozen supporters as they pushed for marijuana legalization.
Today, an estimated 80,000 individuals gathered in the same location as they celebrated Colorado voters’ decision to legalize the recreational use of cannabis last November.
“This is what freedom smells like,” attorney Rob Corry told the crowd, as he counted down the moments until 4:20pm CT, at which point literally thousands of people simultaneously exhaled marijuana smoke into the air, creating a haze that was visible for blocks away.
Today, an estimated 80,000 individuals gathered in the same location as they celebrated Colorado voters’ decision to legalize the recreational use of cannabis last November.
“This is what freedom smells like,” attorney Rob Corry told the crowd, as he counted down the moments until 4:20pm CT, at which point literally thousands of people simultaneously exhaled marijuana smoke into the air, creating a haze that was visible for blocks away.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
This Might Clear Things Up
You have 2 cows.
You give one to your neighbour
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and gives you some milk
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and sells you some milk
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and shoots you
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and then
throws the milk away
You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy
You sell them and retire on the income
You have 2 cows.
You give one to your neighbour
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and gives you some milk
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and sells you some milk
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and shoots you
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and then
throws the milk away
You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy
You sell them and retire on the income
The Solar Cell That Turns 1 Photon into 2 Electrons
Now, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Excitonics
have published a compelling case that the key to greater solar
efficiency might be an organic dye called pentacene. In today’s issue of
Daniel Congreve, Jiye Lee, Nicholas Thompson, Marc Baldo and six others
show that a photovoltaic cell based on pentacene can generate two
electrons from a single photon—more electricity from the same amount of
sun. Scientists have suspected for some time that this might work;
today’s paper is proof of concept.
Giant sinkhole swallows three buildings in central Russia
A sinkhole measuring nearly 85 meters wide and 15 meters deep
engulfed three houses in a town outside Russia’s fifth-largest city
Nizhny Novgorod as some residents of the small village were slumbering.
One of the houses in the town of Buturlino was completely demolshed. Residents managed to escape the building a few minutes before it literally collapsed like a house of cards on Wednesday night.
“I just barely left the house as everything around started to collapse,” Aleksey Ionychev told Russia’s Channel One.
One of the houses in the town of Buturlino was completely demolshed. Residents managed to escape the building a few minutes before it literally collapsed like a house of cards on Wednesday night.
“I just barely left the house as everything around started to collapse,” Aleksey Ionychev told Russia’s Channel One.
Histrionic personality disorder
Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriately seductive behavior, usually beginning in early adulthood. These individuals are lively, dramatic, vivacious, enthusiastic, and flirtatious. HPD affects four times as many women as men.[1] It has a prevalence of 2–3% in the general population, and 10–15% in inpatient and outpatient mental health institutions.[2]
HPD lies in the dramatic cluster of personality disorders.[3] People with HPD have a high need for attention, make loud and inappropriate appearances, exaggerate their behaviors and emotions, and crave stimulation.[3] They may exhibit sexually provocative behavior, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and can be easily influenced by others. Associated features include egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs.
HPD lies in the dramatic cluster of personality disorders.[3] People with HPD have a high need for attention, make loud and inappropriate appearances, exaggerate their behaviors and emotions, and crave stimulation.[3] They may exhibit sexually provocative behavior, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and can be easily influenced by others. Associated features include egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
German railways to test anti-graffiti drones
Germany's national
railway company, Deutsche Bahn, plans to test small drones to try to
reduce the amount of graffiti being sprayed on its property.
The idea is to use airborne infra-red cameras to collect
evidence, which could then be used to prosecute vandals who deface
property at night. A company spokesman said drones would be tested at rail depots soon.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Sticky fingers: Thieves steal 5 tons of Nutella chocolate spread from trailer in Germany
Police said Monday an unknown number of culprits made off with 5 metric
tons (5.5 tons) of Nutella chocolate-hazelnut spread from a parked
trailer in the central German town of Bad Hersfeld over the weekend.

The egg box that updates a humble yet classic design

It is just over 100 years since Canadian inventor Joseph Coyle perfected a design to prevent eggs breaking on their way to market.
His design was the first egg carton, offering a measure of protection for this most breakable of commodities. Coyle’s cardboard creation was first made by hand before a machine was invented to manufacture them after World War I.
Later in the 1950s, British designer H G Bennett created the design we see on supermarket shelves and in corner stores – made of cardboard, moulded paper pulp or plastic, and with an individual space for each egg to sit. As food packaging has become more sophisticated – from aseptic linings in cartons of milk to vacuum-packed fish – the humble egg carton has changed little. Shock absorbing and cheap to produce, the carton has also become a signifier for what it contains – you don’t need to see the eggs to know what it contains.
Hungarian design student Eva Valicsek, however, may have come up with a replacement. Her concept for an egg carton of the future – made of cardboard and a rubber band – was made for a university competition but has already received some cautious commercial interest.
Hermit Crab Species Found Alive for First Time
A recent submarine dive turned up a species of hermit crab that was
previously only known through dead, dried specimens procured more than a
century ago.
The sub collected a few of the animals, known as Pylopagurus discoidalis, from the Caribbean and brought them back to an aquarium, where they were photographed. These are the first pictures of the live animals ever taken, said Rafael Lemaitre, a research zoologist at the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of Natural History.

The sub collected a few of the animals, known as Pylopagurus discoidalis, from the Caribbean and brought them back to an aquarium, where they were photographed. These are the first pictures of the live animals ever taken, said Rafael Lemaitre, a research zoologist at the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of Natural History.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The PETMAN robot was developed by Boston Dynamics with funding from the DoD CBD program. It is used to test the performance of protective clothing designed for hazardous environments. The video shows initial testing in a chemical protection suit and gas mask. PETMAN has sensors embedded in its skin that detect any chemicals leaking through the suit. The skin also maintains a micro-climate inside the clothing by sweating and regulating temperature. Partners in developing PETMAN were MRIGlobal, Measurement Technology Northwest, Smith Carter, CUH2A, and HHI.
Surviving in the Siberian Wilderness for 70 Years
In 1936, a family of Russian Old Believers journeyed deep into Siberia's vast taiga to escape persecution and protect their way of life. The Lykovs eventually settled in the Sayan Mountains, 160 miles from any other sign of civilization. In 1944, Agafia Lykov was born into this wilderness. Today, she is the last surviving Lykov, remaining steadfast in her seclusion. In this episode of Far Out, the VICE crew travels to Agafia to learn about her taiga lifestyle and the encroaching influence of the outside world.
BMW Forecasts Cars Will Be Highly Automated by 2020, Driverless by 2025.
During their year-long partnership, BMW and Continental will build and
test several prototypes using near-production technology—stereo cameras,
radar, and laser sensors. Researchers will then run the prototypes
through many of the tests modern freeways have to offer, navigating the
likes of toll plazas, construction, and interchanges. They’ll use the
trials to further hone their algorithms, and prepare the system for real
world use.
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